On Jan 11, 2013, at 4:37 PM, Ryan Kelly wrote:

> I'm trying to figure out the correct way to use these array comparisons
> features specific to postgres, e.g.:
> select * from foo where 1 = any(bar);
> So I tried this:
> from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import func
> session.query(foo).filter(1 == func.any(foo.c.bar))
> But that didn't work, as I got this (essentially):
> select * from foo where any(bar) = 1;

reading this, it seemed extremely surprising that the = operator would suddenly 
not be commutative.   So I took a look at "ANY" in the PG docs, and I don't 
really see this as the "=" operator anymore, it's a special PG operator that is 
essentially "= ANY".  So we can use op() for that.   Then, to build this with 
off-the-shelf pieces, we have to jump through the many hoops of this very 
non-standard syntax:

from sqlalchemy.dialects import postgresql
from sqlalchemy import literal, tuple
from sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql import array

literal(1).op("= ANY")(tuple_(array([foo.c.bar])))

then the NOT case (~ is equivalent to not_()):

expr = (~literal(1)).op("= ANY")(tuple_(array([foo.c.bar])))

seems to work:

print expr.compile(dialect=postgresql.dialect())

NOT %(param_1)s = ANY (ARRAY[foo.bar])

now that's cobbling it together with off the shelf pieces, which you could of 
course throw into a function called any() to hide that boilerplate.  But also, 
we can make this into a construct where we can build up the string directly 
(and this you can use to build anything without too much guessing):

from sqlalchemy.types import Boolean
from sqlalchemy.ext.compiler import compiles
from sqlalchemy.sql.compiler import OPERATORS
from sqlalchemy.sql.expression import ColumnElement, literal

class Any(ColumnElement):
    type = Boolean()

    def __init__(self, left, right, operator=operator.eq):
        self.left = literal(left)
        assert isinstance(right, array)
        self.right = right
        self.operator = operator

@compiles(Any, "postgresql")
def compile_any(element, compiler, **kw):
    return "%s%sANY(%s)" % (

print Any(1, array([foo.c.bar])).compile(dialect=postgresql.dialect())
# %(param_1)s = ANY(ARRAY[foo.bar])

print (~Any(1, array([foo.c.bar]))).compile(dialect=postgresql.dialect())
# NOT %(param_1)s = ANY(ARRAY[foo.bar])

These functions (ANY, ALL, etc.)  should probably be provided as part of 
sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql to start with as well as be available as methods 
from the ARRAY comparator.

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