Oh cool!  I was getting incorrect results putting VisitedDestinations.town 
in my contains_eager() call as you suggested, maybe I am doing something 

    session = Session()
    visited_alias = aliased(Town)
    wishlist_alias = aliased(Town)
    q = session.query(Person)
    q = q.join(Person.visited_destinations).join(visited_alias, 
    q = q.join(Person.wishlist_destinations).join(wishlist_alias, 
    q = q.options(contains_eager(Person.visited_destinations, 

    SAWarning: Multiple rows returned with uselist=False for eagerly-loaded 
attribute 'WishlistDestinations.town' 
    SAWarning: Multiple rows returned with uselist=False for eagerly-loaded 
attribute 'VisitedDestinations.town' 

However this seems to take care of the warning and fixes the problem with 
my results:

    session = Session()
    visited_alias = aliased(Town)
    wishlist_alias = aliased(Town)
    q = session.query(Person)
    q = q.join(Person.visited_destinations).join(visited_alias, 
    q = q.join(Person.wishlist_destinations).join(wishlist_alias, 
    q = q.options(contains_eager(Person.visited_destinations), 

Any idea what is going wrong in the first case?

And THANK YOU for your help Michael.  You are really helpful :)

On Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:48:21 PM UTC-5, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Feb 27, 2013, at 2:40 PM, Rob Crowell <rob.c...@moat.com <javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> Ah okay, so you do recommend the contains_eager approach.  I guess this is 
> exactly the use-case it is designed for?  I always get a little scared when 
> I try using "advanced" features of SQLAlchemy :)
> One last question.  The query here seems to take advantage of the fact 
> that our table joins on Towns exactly once.  If we had a second table 
> WishlistDestinations, that tracked the towns that a Person would like to 
> visit instead of ones he had already visited, what would be the syntax for 
> filtering those out?
> Imagine we also add this model:
>     class WishlistDestinations(Base):
>         __tablename__ = 'wishlist_destinations'
>         id = Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
>         person_id = Column('person_id', Integer, ForeignKey(Person.id))
>         town_id = Column('town_id', Integer, ForeignKey(Town.id))
>         person = relationship(Person, backref='wishlist_destinations')
>         town = relationship(Town, backref='wishlist_destinations')
>     Person.wishlist_towns = association_proxy('wishlist_destinations', 
> 'town')
> This query is obviously going to fail, since there are now 2 relationships 
> to the Town model:
>     q = session.query(Person)
>     q = q.join(Person.visited_destinations, VisitedDestinations.town, 
> WishlistDestinations.town)
>     q = q.filter(Town.name.in_(['Atlanta', 'Memphis']))
>     q = q.options(contains_eager(Person.visited_destinations, 
> VisitedDestinations.town))
> How could I filter by users that have visited Atlanta or Memphis, that 
> also want to visit Boston?  The code below fails and I'm not sure how to 
> write it correctly, here's my first guess:
>     q = q.filter(VisitedDestinations.town.name.in_(['Atlanta', 'Memphis']))
>     q = q.filter(WishlistDestinations.town.name.in_(['Boston']))
> AttributeError: Neither 'InstrumentedAttribute' object nor 'Comparator' 
> object associated with VisitedDestinations.town has an attribute 'name'
> there's no "implicit join" available when you attempt to say something 
> like SomeClass.relationship1.relationship2, you always have to spell out a 
> join() explicitly, so if you want to join to Wishlist also that's separate. 
>  But here you want to hit Town twice, so you also need to alias it:
> talias = aliased(Town)
> q = q.join(Person.wishlist_destinations).join(talias, 
> WishlistDest.town).filter(talias.name == 'Boston')
> its just like SQL !  all the same rules.
> My second guess also fails (I don't think I want to write an EXISTS query 
> in the first place):
>     q = q.filter(Person.visited_towns.any(Town.name.in_(['Atlanta', 
> 'Memphis'])))
>     q = q.filter(Person.wishlist_towns.any(Town.name.in_(['Boston'])))
> sqlalchemy.exc.OperationalError: (OperationalError) (1066, "Not unique 
> table/alias: 'towns'")...
> What's the correct syntax in this case?
> On Wednesday, February 27, 2013 2:08:47 PM UTC-5, Michael Bayer wrote:
>> oh.  I saw you talking about "at least one" and "exists" and thought you 
>> had a more complex query.    contains_eager() doesn't impact what's 
>> queried, only how results are used with the resulting objects, and is 
>> usually used with join(), just like this:
>> session.query(Person).\
>>     join(Person.visited_destinations, VisitedDestinations.town).\
>>     options(contains_eager(Person.visited_destinations, 
>> VisitedDestinations.town)).\
>>     filter(Town.name.in_(['Atlanta', 'Memphis']))
>> On Feb 27, 2013, at 1:48 PM, Rob Crowell <rob.c...@moat.com> wrote:
>> Sure!  Here's the query I am attempting to replicate:
>> SELECT people.id AS person_id, people.name, towns.id AS town_id, 
>> towns.name
>> FROM people
>> INNER JOIN visited_destinations ON visited_destinations.person_id = 
>> people.id
>> INNER JOIN towns ON towns.id = visited_destinations.town_id
>> WHERE towns.name IN ('Atlanta', 'Memphis')
>> I realize it's confusing since I labeled 2 people as Sam in my test 
>> dataset, but I left it like that for consistency.  You can see that one of 
>> the Sam's has person_id=9 and the other has person_id=10 from the MySQL 
>> results below:
>> +-----------+------+---------+---------+
>> | person_id | name | town_id | name    |
>> +-----------+------+---------+---------+
>> |         8 | Bob  |       2 | Atlanta |
>> |         8 | Bob  |       1 | Memphis |
>> |         9 | Sam  |       1 | Memphis |
>> |        10 | Sam  |       2 | Atlanta |
>> |        10 | Sam  |       2 | Atlanta |
>> |        10 | Sam  |       2 | Atlanta |
>> +-----------+------+---------+---------+
>> I'd like to turn this into 3 Person results, like this:
>>     Person(id=8, name="Bob", visited_towns=[Town(name="Atlanta"), 
>> Town(name="Memphis")])
>>     Person(id=9, name="Sam", visited_towns=[Town("Memphis")])
>>     Person(id=10, name="Sam", visited_towns=[Town("Atlanta"), 
>> Town("Atlanta"), Town("Atlanta")])
>> On Wednesday, February 27, 2013 12:59:02 PM UTC-5, Michael Bayer wrote:
>>> I'm not yet digging into your problem, but one remark would be that 
>>> there's two levels to deal with here. One is figuring out exactly what SQL 
>>> you want, independent of SQLAlchemy.  It's not clear here if you've gotten 
>>> that part yet.  The next part is getting parts of that SQL to route into 
>>> your contains_eager().   We do that second.
>>> So let me know if you know the actual SQL you want to do first; we'd 
>>> work from there.   Don't deal with joinedload or contains_eager or any of 
>>> that yet.
>>> On Feb 27, 2013, at 2:07 AM, Rob Crowell <robcc...@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> Example code: https://gist.github.com/rcrowell/5045832
>>> I have Person and Town tables, which are joined in a many-to-many 
>>> fashion through a VisitedDestinations table.  I want to write a query which 
>>> will return People that have visited either Atlanta or Memphis.  I have a 
>>> working example using contains_eager below, but I'm not sure if there is a 
>>> better way...
>>> I am trying to get a Person object for each person that has visited at 
>>> least one of these two cities, and I want to get joined Town objects for 
>>> Atlanta and Memphis.  If a person has visited one of these towns more than 
>>> once, I'd like to get back one Town object for each visit (so 3 visits to 
>>> Atlanta produces a visited_towns collection of size three):
>>>     class Town(Base):
>>>         __tablename__ = 'towns'
>>>         id = Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
>>>         name = Column('name', String(256))
>>>     class Person(Base):
>>>         __tablename__ = 'people'
>>>         id = Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
>>>         name = Column('name', String(256))
>>>     class VisitedDestinations(Base):
>>>         __tablename__ = 'visited_destinations'
>>>         id = Column('id', Integer, primary_key=True)
>>>         person_id = Column('person_id', Integer, ForeignKey(Person.id))
>>>         town_id = Column('town_id', Integer, ForeignKey(Town.id))
>>>         person = relationship(Person, backref='visited_destinations')
>>>         town = relationship(Town, backref='visited_destinations')
>>>     # use an association_proxy so client code does not have to deal with 
>>> the visited_destinations table at all
>>>     Person.visited_towns = association_proxy('visited_destinations', 
>>> 'town')
>>> This code more or less does what I would like, but it uses an EXISTS 
>>> query which I don't really want and it gets back ALL towns that a matching 
>>> person has visited instead of only the matching towns:
>>>     # gets all Town objects, including those that do not match our 
>>> filter                                                                    
>>>     q = session.query(Person)                                           
>>>     q = q.filter(Person.visited_towns.any(Town.name.in_(['Atlanta', 
>>> 'Memphis'])))                                                             
>>>     q = q.options(joinedload_all(Person.visited_destinations, 
>>> VisitedDestinations.town))   # can't do joinedload with association_proxy 
>>> objects                             
>>>     for person in q:                                                     
>>>         print person, person.visited_towns 
>>> Which produces:
>>>     Person(name='Bob') [Town(name='Atlanta'), Town(name='Memphis')]
>>>     Person(name='Sam') [Town(name='Memphis')]
>>>     Person(name='Sam') [Town(name='Chattanooga'), Town(name='Atlanta'), 
>>> Town(name='Atlanta'), Town(name='Atlanta')]
>>> In my database its likely that a person has visited thousands of 
>>> destinations, and I really don't need to get all of them back here.  As you 
>>> can see above, I also get back a Town object for Chattanooga even though I 
>>> don't want it!  I have written some code that uses contains_eager, but I'm 
>>> not sure if this is going down a bad path:
>>>     # works, but is it hideous?                                         
>>>     q = session.query(Person)                                           
>>>     q = q.join(VisitedDestinations).join(Town)   # cannot join on Town 
>>> without going through the middleman...                                 
>>>     q = q.filter(Town.name.in_(['Atlanta', 'Memphis']))                 
>>>     q = q.options(joinedload_all(Person.visited_destinations, 
>>> VisitedDestinations.town))                                                 
>>>     q = q.options(contains_eager(Person.visited_destinations))           
>>>     for person in q:                                                     
>>>         print person, person.visited_towns 
>>> Which produces the following correct output:
>>>     Person(name='Bob') [Town(name='Atlanta'), Town(name='Memphis')]
>>>     Person(name='Sam') [Town(name='Memphis')]
>>>     Person(name='Sam') [Town(name='Atlanta'), Town(name='Atlanta'), 
>>> Town(name='Atlanta')]
>>> Basically I want to find Person objects that have a joined collection 
>>> which matches a filter condition, but I want the returned joined collection 
>>> to contain ONLY the rows that caused the Person object to match the query 
>>> in the first place.  Is there a cleaner way to write this code?  
>>> -- 
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