Hey gang -

After a long delay I've finally put out 0.8.0 final.    Work on 0.8.0 began 
almost a year ago, and since then the release has shaped up very nicely, 
including that we've had a very long beta period.   Due to the behavior of 
"pip", lots of you have already been using 0.8.0b2 as "pip" doesn't honor the 
"hidden" flag on Pypi.

For those on 0.7, upgrading to 0.8 shouldn't be very hard, though obviously it 
should be tested fully, as there are some behavioral changes.  For a list of 
every known behavioral change, please refer to the "Behavioral Changes" section 
of the migration document at 
http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_8/changelog/migration_08.html .   For those 
who have been on 0.8.0b2, there are three very small additional behavioral 
changes that I doubt the vast majority of users will notice; they are also 
noted at the top of the changelog.

Overall I think the impression you'll get from the changes is that we're really 
in the long tail of refinement at this point.  Whereas most previous major 
releases I've spent lots of time refactoring for performance, in this release 
I've gone back to refactoring for more correctness and clarity (albeit often 
very intricate clarity, necessarily) within many areas of the code, 
particularly the ORM.    Whereas before, I'd focus on inlining and reducing 
method calls, at this stage I've been able to start breaking up some of the 
more monolithic sections back into small modular and more testable bits without 
any real impact on performance.  The mechanics of relationships as well as 
polymorphic querying have seen major changes, and I'm sort of blown away at the 
level of queries this thing can pull out in those areas (though there's *still* 
lots more things we need to do with querying).     We've moved to support 
Python 2.5 at the lowest (and we will very quickly be moving that up to 2.6), 
rewritten a *lot* of tests (though we're over 5000 now, so there's plenty more 
tests that need to be pulled into the modern age), and planted the seeds for a 
growing ecosystem of external third party dialects, including those of 
SQLAlchemy's new friends, IBM (were we've helped them to modernize and release 
an all-new DB2 dialect) and Akiban (a great new database company in Boston). 

The blog post at http://www.sqlalchemy.org/blog/#sqlalchemy-0.8.0-released 
gives a top-level sales pitch for 0.8.0 as well as a rundown of some of the 
biggest changes.   I will note that I am trying to push SQLAlchemy towards a 
"1.0" status as fast as possible at this point; there is a roadmap for 0.9, but 
I may decide to first skip to 1.0 soon within the 0.8 series (basically it 
would be an 0.8.x renamed as 1.0),  then 0.9 would become 1.1 (if that makes 

It's only a few days before Pycon, where I'll be doing an "Introduction to 
SQLAlchemy" tutorial as well as a repeat of my "Session in Depth" talk, and am 
looking forward to seeing the whole gang this year.   I'd like to thank 
everyone who has helped with this release, starting with code contributions 
that began at last year's Pycon.   And a *huge* thanks to those folks tipping 
me on Gittip and Flattr, and the handful of professional clients who have 
contributed towards the codebase this year, as well as those folks chipping in 
on the mailing list and on StackOverflow.  I'd recommend everyone get onto 
Gittip (it's free to join of course!), on some of those Mondays where I see a 
new user has already been helped on the mailing list, allowing me to get on 
with my day, I'd love to send a few bytes over to those helpful folks in return.

SQLAlchemy 0.8.0 can be downloaded at:  http://www.sqlalchemy.org/download.html

Full changelog: http://www.sqlalchemy.org/changelog/CHANGES_0_8_0

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