Am 20.03.2013 15:11, schrieb Cornelius Kölbel:
> Hi list,
> I have problems when upgrading to SQLAlchemy 0.8.0.
> I have code like this:
>     audit_q =
> self.session.query(AuditTable).filter('something')).order_by(order_dir)
> which was running great with mysql on sqlalchemy > 0.7.4
> With 0.8.0 it seams that I never get results when using a filter.
> Neither a .like filter nor a condition like "AuditTable.serial==...." works
> Any idea on this?
> Thanks a lot and kind regards
> Cornelius
my confusion is perfect!
After doing some code cleanup it works as expected.
I have to take a look at the diff to find out, why now...

Kind regards

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