All right, thank you very much.

Le mardi 9 avril 2013 17:27:38 UTC+2, Michael Bayer a écrit :
> On Apr 9, 2013, at 11:21 AM, Etienne Rouxel 
> <<javascript:>> 
> wrote:
> Hello Michael, thank you for your answer.
> It is written in the documentation (
> :
>> *innerjoin=False* –
>> when True, joined eager loads will use an inner join to join against 
>> related tables instead of an outer join. The purpose of this option is 
>> generally one of performance, as inner joins generally perform better than 
>> outer joins. Another reason can be the use of with_lockmode, which does 
>> not support outer joins.
>> This flag can be set to True when the relationship references an object 
>> via many-to-one using local foreign keys that are not nullable, *or when 
>> the reference is one-to-one or a collection that is guaranteed to have one 
>> or at least one entry*.
> So here I am not trying to confuse the query, it is just that there is at 
> least one entry for RelationB.relation_c. So I thought that SQLAlchemy 
> would have inferred that the only solution here was to use a LEFT OUTER 
> it only infers that when it follows along a chain of generations from 
> joinedload().   An outerjoin() applied to the enclosing query is not 
> detected.
> I have the same result if I remove the lazy="joined" and if I use the 
> query :
> q3 = session.query(RelationA).\ 
>     outerjoin(RelationA.relation_b).\
>     options(contains_eager(RelationA.relation_b)).\
>     options(joinedload(RelationA.relation_b, RelationB.relation_c))
> So, if I understand well, there is nothing wrong with my mapping, right? 
> The wrong part is just the query and I should fix it as you previously 
> mentioned, right?
> yeah, just send along more options that correct its behavior in this case.

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