
I get a warning like this:

usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/sqlalchemy/sql/expression.py:2276: SAWarning:
Column 'id' on table <sqlalchemy.sql.expression.Select at 0xa3e19cc; Select
object> being replaced by another column with the same key.  Consider use_labels
for select() statements.

use_labels() or apply_labels() should help but both work only on the core
constructs. How can I do this on a Query level?

Also, can this alone cause a cartesian product in a query?

My entire (recursive) query:

    def find_subtree(self, max_depth=None, eager=False):
        cls = self.__class__
        i0 = literal_column('1').label('max_depth')
        q_base = session.query(cls.id.label('partner_id'),
i0).filter(cls.sponsor_id == self.id)
        q_cte = q_base.cte(name='q_cte', recursive=True)
        q_cte_alias = aliased(q_cte, name='q_cte_alias')
        partner_alias = aliased(cls, name='partner_alias')
        i1 = literal_column('max_depth + 1').label('max_depth')
        q_rec = session.query(partner_alias.id.label('partner_id'), i1)
        q_rec = q_rec.filter(partner_alias.sponsor_id == 
        if max_depth is not None:
            q_rec = q_rec.filter(q_cte_alias.c.max_depth < max_depth)
        q_cte_union = q_cte.union_all(q_rec)
        if eager:
            q = session.query(cls, PersonalContact).select_from(q_cte_union)
            q = q.join(cls, cls.id == q_cte_union.c.partner_id)
            q = q.join(PersonalContact, cls.id == PersonalContact.partner_id)
            q = q.options(
                joinedload_all(cls.personal_data, PersonalData.address,
                subqueryload_all(PersonalContact.contact_tags, ContactTag.tag),
            q = session.query(cls)
            q = q.join(q_cte_union, cls.id == q_cte_union.c.partner_id)
        return q

Thank you,

Ladislav Lenart

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