We use func.count().over() in order to help support result pagination.   
When attempting to limit the result set, I have found that if other tables 
are being joined (for the where clause, but not selected), then I need to 
add DISTINCT to the query or else the Cartesian result of my query messes 
up LIMIT.  (There are, say, 72 rows returned, where this only represents 17 
distinct records, for example.)

For example, a query may look like this:

select distinct 
  count(*) over () as recordcount, tablea.colx, tableb.coly
from tablea, tableb
where ....
limit 100

This doesn't *quite* work because the analytical window function count(*) 
over() is applied *before* the distinct, so the count returns the wrong 
number (a Cartesian effect, returning 72 instead of 17, in this example).  

I have two potential solutions: 

Solution A:
Group by all columns (yielding the same effect as "distinct"), but which 
makes the window analytical function process *after* the group by and 
yields the correct count (17 instead of 72):

select count(*) over () as recordcount, tablea.colx, tableb.coly
from tablea, tableb
where ...
group by tablea.colx, tableb.coly *[all columns]*
limit 100

OR Solution B:
Put the "count(*) over ()" in an outer select, like this:

select count(*) over () as recordcount, anon.* 
from (
  select distinct tablea.colx, tableb.coly
  from tablea, tableb
) as anon
limit 100

Either solution yields the correct answer I believe, but I'm having 
difficulty translating the SQL that I know will work into sqlalchemy land.

For Solution A, in the case of wanting to group by, I don't know how to get 
the full list of all selected columns to add to the group_by in such a way 
that even joinedload() will be included in the group by:

q = Session.query(class).join(joins).filter(...).option(joinedload(...))

q = q.group_by(* ??? How to tell sqlalchemy to group by all selected 
columns, even those which will be join loaded ???* )  

q = q.add_column(func.count().over().label('recordcount'))

For Solution B, I don't know how to wrap my query in an outer select 
(similar to the LIMIT implementation for Oracle) in a way that will still 
allow sqlalchemy to extract rows into instances:

This renders the correct SQL, I think:
qry = Session.query(qry.with_labels().statement, 

But I'm using SQL statement here so sqlalchemy won't translate result rows 
into object instances.

Can you point me in the right direction for one of these 2 solutions, 

Many thanks,

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