Mike blew my mind at the "intro to sqlalchemy" presentation this week.  I 
learned at least 5 things that I had missed.   I still can't believe that 
the connection itself is basically "lazy-loaded" and SqlAlchemy doesn't 
even connect to the DB until you do something.  I wrote a bunch of code to 
memoize connections ( duplicating this ) - expecting there to be some 
overhead per-request (even unused) like other libraries.  Thanks, Mike!

So this brings up my question , which I couldn't find in the docs or FAQ

Is there any best-practices you can recommend for using SqlAlchemy on web 
projects in general ?

For this purpose , l'll just define web projects as an application that has:

1. a startup phase
2. a unit-of-work phase that corresponds ( at most ) to a single page 
viewing (request/generation/whatever).  

right now, my implementation is gleaned from what other webapps are 
doing... but there doesn't seem to be anything official in the SqlAlchemy 
docs/FAQ saying what people *should* do.

# Application Startup

1 Create a global registry for engines ( ie: I have separate read & write 
connections for postgresql )
2 For each desired engine :
  * create a SqlAlchemy engine ( via `sqlalchemy.engine_from_config` )
  * save it to the registry:
    ** wrap it into an container object that has:
        1. the engine
        2. `sqlalchemy_orm.sessionmaker`
        3. `sqlalchemy_orm.scoped_session`
  * setup the table metadata for the engine

# Application PageView

1. [optional] grab the engine's `scoped_session` and do stuff
2. cleanup routine - call `scoped_session.close()` on every engine in the 

# Concerns

This seems to work fine for 2 reasons ( all thanks to SqlAlchemy ):

1. SqlAlchemy is smart - the cleanup call to `scoped_session.close()` only 
does work when we actually used that session.  i can call close on 4 
sessions, and we're never hitting the db
2. my call to `scoped_session.close()` in cleanup clears out the sessions 
for the new request. yay.

I kind of feel like this pattern works, but it "just barely works" and 
largely by luck.

The concerns that I had are:

1. Should I be creating a new `scoped_session` on every request ( or first 
usage per request ) ?
2. Should I be calling `scoped_session.close()` at the start of every 
request as well  [ `new` appears to mark the work as new, but I want to 
clear out the entire unit-of-work ] ?
3. Should there be anything in place to ensure that any work with a 
transaction via sqlalchemy's core would be `new` ( or would calls to 
`scoped_session.close` handle this as well ?  I'm not using any sqlalchemy 
core in page requests (though i do use it in maintenance scripts) -- this 
is purely theoretical 

A few other things popped in my head, but these seem to be the most 

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