On Friday, June 21, 2013 2:23:54 PM UTC-4, Michael Bayer wrote:
> fairly recently i wrote up as much as I could come up with on this, which 
> you can see first in the Session FAQ: 
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_8/orm/session.html#session-frequently-asked-questions
> and then regarding scoped_session in: 
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_8/orm/session.html#using-thread-local-scope-with-web-applications

oh this is great thanks.

i didn't see that, and then started looking through the wiki's FAQ


I'd add a link to the wiki, but I don't have edit privs.

I don't generally bother trying to make a "container" for all these things, 
> usually they're defined in some module like "myapp.meta".  A module in 
> Python is a namespaced object like any other, so there's no need for a 
> MyApplication kind of class.  Everyone seems to make those.     Also the 
> "sessionmaker" is an element of the scoped_session so I don't have it as 
> it's own name; if I really want to make a new Session that isn't part of 
> the usual scoped context I'll say my_scoped_session.session_factory(). 

re:container  -- I built out my SqlAlchemy management for Pyramid as a 3rd 
party library.  I just pass in a link to the package with my models and a 
db connection string; it does the rest for me, examining all the objects in 
the model for applicability and mapping them, setting up the cleanups, etc. 
 It makes rapid prototyping something really easy.

> I have the ScopedSession as the facade to the database - the Engine itself 
> is an element of the session and similarly I don't refer to it anywhere 
> once it's been set up and assigned to a session.  If I want it, I say 
> my_scoped_session.bind.     If I'm binding multiple engines to a single 
> session maybe I'd have a lookup for those cases where i need it. 
> My current app has two databases that I refer to individually, so I have 
> MySessionOne and MySessionTwo (better names in the real app). 
> ... 

yes.  Though I'll use remove() so that the current Session is discarded 
> entirely.   I use patterns where I attach extra things to a Session as the 
> request proceeds. 
> ...
> Just use the scoped_session as needed there's no setup to be done, the 
> close() beforehand makes sure its clean for the next request. 
> ...
> no need, sessions should always be clean when a request ends, that's when 
> that thread/process/wahtever is about to go dormant and you don't want any 
> garbage lying around. 
> ...
> Core API should be through Session.execute() in any case so the Session 
> would have you covered. 

thanks for all this.  I'm going to go through all the docs you pointed me 
to, and make sure everything is set nicely. 

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