On Aug 10, 2013, at 4:41 PM, Amir Elaguizy <aelag...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hey guys,
> Questions about the following code in which I'm trying to take a textqual 
> query and join it to a query builder query.
> 1) What is the correct way to do the in for the list of ids in the first 
> query? My current way doesn't work and I'm not able to find a real good 
> example

the IN operator in SQL works like this:

        x IN (1, 2, 3, 4, 5, ...)

so if you want to bind values, you have to list them out:

        x IN (:value1, :value2, :value3, :value4, ...)

there's no magic acceptance of arrays or anything like that in most SQL drivers.

> 2) How can I Join complicated query 2 with complicated query 1. Essentially 
> join query 2 on sm.StufffModel.id == query1.id
> Complicated query 1:
>     image_res = db.session.query("id", "depth", "parent_id", "name", 
> "s3_key").from_statement(
>         """
>         WITH RECURSIVE graph(root_id, id, name, parent_id) AS (
>             SELECT e.id, e.id, e.name, e.parent_id, 1 as depth FROM entities e
>         UNION ALL
>             SELECT graph.root_id, e.id, e.name, e.parent_id, depth + 1 FROM 
> graph JOIN entities e ON e.parent_id=graph.id
>         )
>         SELECT g.id,g.depth, g.parent_id, name, ii.s3_key
>         FROM graph g
>             JOIN entity_map em ON g.id=em.left_id
>             JOIN stufff_images si ON em.right_id=si.id
>             JOIN image_instance ii ON si.image_id=ii.image_id
>         WHERE root_id in (:ids) AND ii.width=120 ORDER BY depth ASC LIMIT 1;
>         """).params(ids=",".join([str(i) for i in ids])))
> Complicated query 2:
>     query = db.session.query(
>         sm.StufffModel.id, sm.EntityTypesModel.type, sm.StufffModel.hotness, 
> sm.StufffModel.created_at, sm.StufffModel.name)
>     query = query.join(sm.EntityTypesModel)
>     query = query.filter(sm.StufffModel.id.in_(ids))
>     res = query.all()

normally you can make a select() using text fragments, like select(['x', 'y', 
'z']).select_from("foo").where("bar > 5"), though with that CTE and all that 
unless you want to write it using the expression language (which I would) it's 
easiest to keep that as text().   There's a ticket to make a hybrid text()/FROM 
element for this kind of thing (#2478).

for now if it doesn't complain about nesting around that WITH, you can do a 

        from sqlalchemy import text, select

        t1 = text("(with recursive ... <etc etc> ORDER BY depth ASC LIMIT 1) AS 
        s1 = select(["id"]).select_from(t1).alias()

        q = session.query(Entity.x, Entity.y, 
...).join(...).filter(...).join(s1, s1.c.id == Entity.id)

> Thanks,
> Amir
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