Hey there,

I have already posted this on 
 not recieved an answer yet so I thought I might try here. To quote from 
my original question:

Suppose we have these classes:
>     class Item(Base):
>         id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>         data = Column(String)
>         i18ns = relationship("ItemI18n", backref="item")
>     class ItemI18n(Base):
>         lang_short = Column(String, primary_key=True)
>         item_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('item.id'), primary_key=True)
>         name = Column(String)
[on pastebin <http://pastebin.com/LQAMVy0Y>]

> The idea here is to have this item's name in multiple languages, for 
> example in English and German. This works fine so far, one can easily work 
> with that. However, most times, I am not interested in all (i.e. both) 
> names but only the users locale.
> For example, if the user is English and wants to have the name in his 
> language, I see two options:
>     # Use it as a list
>     item = session.query(Item).first()
>     print item.data, [i18n.name for i18n in item.i18ns if i18n.lang_short 
> == "en"][0]
>     # Get the name separately
>     item, name = session.query(Item, 
> ItemI18N.name).join(ItemI18N).filter(ItemI18N.lang_short == "en").first()
>     print item.data, name
[on pastebin <http://pastebin.com/VfuHBd86>] 

> The first one filters the list, the second one queries the language 
> separately. The second is the more efficient way as it only pulls the data 
> really needed. However, there is a drawback: I now have to carry around two 
> variables: `item` and `name`. If I were to extend my `ItemI18N` for 
> example, add a `description` property, then I would query for `ItemI18N` 
> and carry those around.
> But business logic is different: I would expect to have an `Item` with a 
> `name` and `description` attribute, so that I would do something like this:
>     item = session.query(Item).first()
>     print item.data, item.name
> So that's where I want to go: Pull all those attributes from `Item18N` 
> directly into `Item`. And of course, I would have to specify the language 
> anywhere. However, I cannot find any recipes for this since I don't even 
> know what to search for. Can SQLAlchemy do such a thing?
> I also created a complete example <http://pastebin.com/Ea1Bqzcw> for 
> everything I described (except of course the part I don't know how to 
> realize).
> *Edit*: I have played around a bit more to see whether I can come up with 
> a better solution and so far, I have found one way that works. I initially 
> tried to realize it with `Query.get` but this doesn't work beyond my simple 
> example, because reality is different. To explain, I have to extend my 
> initial model by adding a `Language` table and turn `ItemI18N` into a 
> many-to-many relationship with the primary key being `(lang_id, item_id)`:
>     class ItemI18N(Base):
>         lang_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('language.id'), 
> primary_key=True)
>         item_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('item.id'), primary_key=True)
>         name = Column(String)
>         language = relationship("Language", lazy="joined")
>     class Language(Base):
>         id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>         short = Column(String)
> Now to get my correct locale I simply turn all loadings into joined 
> loadings by applying `lazy="joined"` to the complete path. This will 
> inevitable pull in all languages thus returning more data than I need. My 
> approach is then completely independent of SQLAlchemy:
>     class Item(Base):
>         ...
>         i18ns = relationship("ItemI18N", backref="item", cascade="all, 
> delete-orphan", lazy="joined")
>         def name(self, locale):
>             for i18n in self.i18ns:
>                 if i18n.language.short == locale:
>                     return i18n.name
> But this is not a pretty solution, both because of the overhead of 
> retrieving *all* I18N data from the database and then fitering that 
> result back to *one* thus making it completely irrelevant that I pulled 
> all in the first place (since the locale will stay the same the whole 
> time). My new full example <http://pastebin.com/iSTkESjg> shows how only 
> one query is executed and gives my transparent access - but with an ugly 
> overhead I would like to avoid. 
> The example also contains some playing around with 
> transformations<http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_8/orm/extensions/hybrid.html#building-transformers>I
>  have done. This could point to a solution from that direction, but I 
> wasn't happy with this either because it required me to pass in the 
> `with_transformation` part every time. I'd like it much better if this 
> would automatically be applied when `Item` is queried. But I have found no 
> event or other for this.
> So now I have multiple solution attempts that all lack the ease of direct 
> access compared to the business logic described above. I hope someone is 
> able to figure out how to close these gaps to produce something nice and 
> clean.

By the way, at this point there has to come up the question where to 
provide the locale. Since this is in a web context, the most sensible way 
in this case is to set it at the session level as this describes the scope. 
I don't know if events would make sense here. And, adding to that, there 
came another idea for me: One of the problems is, that the property for the 
`i18n` would never be included. However, what would be included is a 
relationship with eager loading, but without a second condition, i.e. 
limiting the corresponding language it would return all languages, not just 
one. It would be a neat trick to evaluate the join condition at runtime. 
Would that be a possibility? Documentation says it only happens at mapper 
initialization time.

Thanks in advance for any help you can provide on this topic. It would be a 
great thing if we could find a solution that is as clean as possible as I 
am surely not the only one with this problem and so one could create a 
separate package if a good approach exists for that.

Florian (javex)

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