I'm using the ORM ( though I could be using expressions ) , and have a bit 
of code that simply queries for an id + timestamp [ against a join of 6 
tables ]

i have another bit of code that performs a similar function.  all is well.

I need to , now, join the two codes, and create sql like such :

SELECT t1.id AS id , t2.timestamp_a AS event_timestamp
... lots of tables ...
... lots of where

SELECT ta.id AS id , tb.timestamp_123 AS event_timestamp
... lots of tables ...
... lots of where
) as merged 
ORER BY merged.event_timstamp DESC ;

anyone have a pointer ?  i have the 2 selections functioning fine by 
themsleves ( except the timestamps are not aliased into a common term )

I was hoping there's a way to wrap / augment the 2 existing expressions , 
as I need to maintain support for
  query1 UNION query2

and these queries are long and dynamically driven.  

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