Yes, column_literal did the trick.

So this is what I have

    function_call = 
literal_column("DEFAULT"), '1', 1550, literal_column("DEFAULT"))])

Then I was able to figure out how to join it to my "widgets" table. Since 
the from clause isn't a typical one the selectable must be aliased 
otherwise sqlalchemy throws up an error.

    a = alias(function_call, 'test')
    results = DBSession.query(Widget).join(a, 

My code is pretty rough but it works. Thanks again Michael.


On Monday, December 30, 2013 7:36:40 PM UTC-5, Michael Bayer wrote:
> On Dec 30, 2013, at 7:12 PM, Dan < <javascript:>> wrote:
> Hello,
> I have been trying to find the appropriate syntax to query from a user 
> defined function. I am dealing with a SQL Server 2008 database, and I am 
> using sqlalchemy 0.8.4 with pyodbc 3.0.7. The machine the python app is 
> running on is Windows 7 64 bit, but I am using 32 bit python. I followed 
> the pointers in this 
> thread<!searchin/sqlalchemy/call$20database$20function/sqlalchemy/tYVxitn9j1A/L5URn6ryHWUJ>,
> but it seems that I can't get sqlalchemy to behave properly. The sql I am 
> trying to execute looks like the following
> select * from some_user_defined_function('2013-12-29', DEFAULT, '3', 638, 
> Note that there are no parameter names and the usage of the Default 
> keyword. Null can be used in place of the Default, but that could be 
> problematic if a parameter's default value isn't null. Furthermore, this 
> function can be joined to tables within the database like so
> select * from some_user_defined_function('2013-12-29', DEFAULT, '3', 638, 
> left outer join db_table dt on uf.table_id =
> Is there anyway to handle this situation? Below are the attempts that I 
> have tried
>     function_call = 
> select([column('table_id'),column('widget_type'),column('effective_date'),column('widget_id')],
> from_obj=[func.some_user_defined_function(bindparam('effective_date_start',value='2013-12-01'),
>     bindparam('effective_date_end', value=None,quote=False),
>     bindparam('widget_type_list', value='3'),
>     bindparam('company_id', value=638),
>     bindparam('widget_id', value=None,quote=False))])
> “DEFAULT” is a fixed keyword here so you’d be looking specifically to not 
> bind any value from the application into a bound placeholder (e.g. a 
> question mark ?).
> To deliver a fixed keyword, use a construct like “literal_column()”.   In 
> addition, you don’t typically need to use bindparam() explicitly unless you 
> are looking to re-use the statement repeatedly .  Using a literal Python 
> value will automatically be coerced into a bound parameter.
> from sqlalchemy.sql import column, select, func, literal_column
> function_call = select([
>             column('table_id'),
>             column('widget_type'),
>             column('effective_date'),
>             column('widget_id')]).\
>             select_from(
>                 func.some_user_defined_function(
>                     "2013-12-01",
>                     literal_column("DEFAULT"),
>                     "3",
>                     638,
>                     literal_column("DEFAULT")
>                 )
>             )
> result = session.execute(function_call)
> SELECT table_id, widget_type, effective_date, widget_id
> FROM some_user_defined_function(:effective_date_start, 
> :effective_date_end, :widget_type_list, :company_id, :widget_id)
> this is the SQL that you’d see from printing the statement or turning it 
> into a string.  however, if you’re passing the construct to 
> session.execute(), and are watching the SQL output using echo=True (which I 
> recommend when debugging these things), you’d see question marks with 
> Pyodbc, not parameters like :effective_date_start.
> if you set echo=‘debug’ on your create_engine() you’ll see not just the 
> SQL emitted but also the rows that are received in the raw.
> To eliminate the possiblity that the issue is within pyodbc I tried the 
> following
>     cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL 
> Server};SERVER=;DATABASE=yup;UID=user;PWD=pass')
>     cursor = cnxn.cursor()
>     cursor.execute("select * from some_user_defined_function('2013-12-29', 
> NULL, '3', 638, NULL)")
>     for row in cursor:
>         print row
> if you’re still testing against pyodbc, please try it like this:
> cursor.execute("select * from some_user_defined_function(?, NULL, ?, ?, 
> NULL)”, [‘2013-12-29’, ‘3’, 638])
> as that is more accurately what would be sent from SQLAlchemy.

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