
I have been trying to find the appropriate syntax to query from a user 
defined function. I am dealing with a SQL Server 2008 database, and I am 
using sqlalchemy 0.8.4 with pyodbc 3.0.7. The machine the python app is 
running on is Windows 7 64 bit, but I am using 32 bit python. I followed 
the pointers in this 
but it seems that I can't get sqlalchemy to behave properly. The sql I am 
trying to execute looks like the following

select * from some_user_defined_function('2013-12-29', DEFAULT, '3', 638, 

Note that there are no parameter names and the usage of the Default 
keyword. Null can be used in place of the Default, but that could be 
problematic if a parameter's default value isn't null. Furthermore, this 
function can be joined to tables within the database like so

select * from some_user_defined_function('2013-12-29', DEFAULT, '3', 638, 
left outer join db_table dt on uf.table_id = dt.id

Is there anyway to handle this situation? Below are the attempts that I 
have tried

    function_call = 
  bindparam('effective_date_end', value=None,quote=False),
  bindparam('widget_type_list', value='3'),
  bindparam('company_id', value=638),
  bindparam('widget_id', value=None,quote=False))])

This generates the following SQL

SELECT table_id, widget_type, effective_date, widget_id
FROM some_user_defined_function(:effective_date_start, :effective_date_end, 
:widget_type_list, :company_id, :widget_id)

however I get no results from executing it. I have also tried not using 

    function_call = 
 from_obj=[func.some_user_defined_function('2013-12-01', None, '1', 1591, 

and then I get 

SELECT table_id, widget_type, effective_date, widget_id
FROM some_user_defined_function(:some_user_defined_function_1, NULL, 
:some_user_defined_function_2, :some_user_defined_function_3, NULL)

but again no results. (As a side note I am attempting to use a session to 
execute these objects.

To eliminate the possiblity that the issue is within pyodbc I tried the 

    cnxn = pyodbc.connect('DRIVER={SQL 
    cursor = cnxn.cursor()

    cursor.execute("select * from some_user_defined_function('2013-12-29', 
NULL, '3', 638, NULL)")
    for row in cursor:
        print row

and that did work.

So I have two questions.

1. Why can't I see my results from the select objects I am using?

2. How can I pass Default as a parameter to the function? 

Thanks in advance

--Dan Clark

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