I’ve put your classes below into the test script (attached), but I can’t 
reproduce your results. The last query is:


and I get the same value for len(query.all()) and query.count(), despite there 
being 3 rows returned from the underlying query.

Note: I had to modify your classes slightly to make the script work. I removed 
the c_id column from B (since C has a b_id column pointing in the other 
direction, and you said the relationship was 1-to-many), I had to use strings 
for the foreign key definitions because of the forward references, and I had to 
set uselist=False on the a.b backref.

If you get different results, what version of SA are you using?


On 28 Jan 2014, at 17:45, Michael Nachtigal 
<michael.nachti...@catalinamarketing.com> wrote:

> Simon,
> Thanks very much for your detailed reply. Here's your example tailored to 
> more accurately match our program (A is in a 1-to-1 relationship with B, and 
> B is in a 1-to-many relationship with C):
> import sqlalchemy as sa
> import sqlalchemy.orm as saorm
> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
> Base = declarative_base()
> class A(Base):
>    __tablename__ = 'a'
>    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), primary_key=True)
> class B(Base):
>    __tablename__ = 'b'
>    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), primary_key=True)
>    a_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(A.id))
>    c_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(C.id))
>    a = saorm.relationship(A, backref='b')
>    cs = saorm.relationship(C, backref='b')
> class C(Base):
>    __tablename__ = 'c'
>    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), primary_key=True)
>    b_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(B.id))
> # ...then, later:
> q = session.query(A).options(joinedload_all('b.cs'))
> q.count()  # debug output prints a SELECT COUNT(*) FROM ($Q) where $Q is a 
> subquery (subselect) that doesn't involve the b or c tables
> q.all()  # debug output prints out the "complete" query, including joins to b 
> and c
> len(q.all()) < q.count()  # True
> Thanks,
> Mike
> ________________________________________
> From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com [sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com] on behalf of 
> Simon King [si...@simonking.org.uk]
> Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 6:29 PM
> To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
> Subject: Re: [sqlalchemy] joinedload options on a query don't affect its 
> .count()?
> Here's a test script that shows the results of query.count() and 
> len(query.all()) for a few different query scenarios, and I think the results 
> match what I would have expected. In particular, I don't see a case where 
> adding joinedload affects the results. Could you see if you could adapt it to 
> show your problem? The setup is that A has 1-to-many relationships to both B 
> and C, and the database has a single A row, 3 B rows and 5 C rows.
> import sqlalchemy as sa
> import sqlalchemy.orm as saorm
> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
> Base = declarative_base()
> class A(Base):
>    __tablename__ = 'a'
>    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), primary_key=True)
> class B(Base):
>    __tablename__ = 'b'
>    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), primary_key=True)
>    a_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(A.id))
>    a = saorm.relationship(A, backref='bs')
> class C(Base):
>    __tablename__ = 'c'
>    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), primary_key=True)
>    a_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey(A.id))
>    a = saorm.relationship(A, backref='cs')
> def test():
>    from optparse import OptionParser
>    parser = OptionParser()
>    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='count',
>                      default=0)
>    options, args = parser.parse_args()
>    echo = {0: False,
>            1: True}.get(options.verbose, 'debug')
>    engine = sa.create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=echo)
>    Session = saorm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)
>    Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
>    session = Session()
>    a = A(
>        bs=[B() for i in range(3)],
>        cs=[C() for i in range(5)],
>    )
>    session.add(a)
>    session.flush()
>    del a
>    def display(title, query):
>        print '\n%s' % title
>        print '=' * len(title)
>        print
>        if options.verbose:
>            print '#### query.count()'
>        count = query.count()
>        if options.verbose:
>            print '\n#### query.all()'
>        results = query.all()
>        if options.verbose:
>            print
>        print 'count = %s' % count
>        print 'len(results) = %s\n' % len(results)
>        for i, row in enumerate(results):
>            print '%2s. %s' % (i + 1, row)
>    display('A, no joins or joinedloads',
>            session.query(A))
>    display('A, joinedload to B',
>            session.query(A).options(saorm.joinedload('bs')))
>    display('A, joined to B',
>            session.query(A).join('bs'))
>    display('A, joined to B, joinedload to C',
>            session.query(A).join('bs').options(saorm.joinedload('cs')))
> if __name__ == '__main__':
>    test()
> Here's the output I get (with SA 0.9.1):
> A, no joins or joinedloads
> ==========================
> count = 1
> len(results) = 1
> 1. <__main__.A object at 0x10b8bf9d0>
> A, joinedload to B
> ==================
> count = 1
> len(results) = 1
> 1. <__main__.A object at 0x10b8bf9d0>
> A, joined to B
> ==============
> count = 3
> len(results) = 1
> 1. <__main__.A object at 0x10b8bf9d0>
> A, joined to B, joinedload to C
> ===============================
> count = 3
> len(results) = 1
> 1. <__main__.A object at 0x10b8bf9d0>
> The second and fourth tests are the same as the first and third with a 
> joinedload('cs') added. In both cases, the results remain the same.
> Cheers,
> Simon
> On 24 Jan 2014, at 22:36, Michael Nachtigal 
> <michael.nachti...@catalinamarketing.com> wrote:
>> Simon,
>> Thanks so much for your informative reply.
>> Yes, our query joins against several tables, and is only querying for, e.g., 
>> X instances (X is a mapped class). Furthermore, the relationship involved in 
>> its joinedload option is 1-to-many, so it actually increases the number of 
>> records in the result set. The combined effect is that doing query.count() 
>> returns 20, but the number of elements in the resulting set is actually 17, 
>> because there were multiple rows for a single X (the multiple rows were 
>> distinguishable by the values in the related table's columns); because we 
>> were only querying for Xs, the 4 "duplicate" X rows were (evidently) 
>> "coalesced" into a single result row when running query.all(). Does that 
>> make sense?
>> You said, "I'd expect the same answer even if you've specified joinedload 
>> options"; I would expect so, too, but apparently this is not always the case!
>> Now I wonder: We evidently cannot say that len(query.all()) == 
>> query.count(), but can we say that len(query.all()) <= query.count()?
>> ________________________________________
>> From: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com [sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com] on behalf of 
>> Simon King [si...@simonking.org.uk]
>> Sent: Friday, January 24, 2014 5:22 PM
>> To: sqlalchemy@googlegroups.com
>> Subject: Re: [sqlalchemy] joinedload options on a query don't affect its 
>> .count()?
>> On 24 Jan 2014, at 21:56, Michael Nachtigal 
>> <michael.nachti...@catalinamarketing.com> wrote:
>>> Hello, all,
>>> I have a question that I discovered while troubleshooting a problem with 
>>> our application today: It seems that joinedload options 
>>> (e.g.,http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_9/orm/loading.html?highlight=joinedload_all#sqlalchemy.orm.joinedload)
>>>  on a query do not affect the query that is emitted when you do a 
>>> query.count(); the following illustrates my point:
>>> # ...query has already been constructed, and includes 
>>> .options(joinedload(...))
>>> count = query.count()         # line 1
>>> results = query.all()         # line 2
>>> assert count == len(results)  # fails!
>>> Upon inspection of the queries emitted by line 1 and line 2, the 
>>> joinedload()ed relationship's table is included in the query emitted by 
>>> line 2 (correctly), but isnot included in the query emitted for the count 
>>> by line 1 (surprisingly!). In our case, because the joinedload()ed 
>>> relationship happens to add rows to the result set of the query, the count 
>>> (line 1) and the length (line 2) of the results do not match!
>>> Can someone confirm that this is expected behavior? If so, is there an 
>>> explanation for this behavior?
>>> Thanks in advance for your time and reply,
>>> Mike
>> I'm not sure this answers your question exactly, but the number of results 
>> you get back from query.all() is not necessarily equal to the number of rows 
>> returned by the query. For example, lets say you had a table with a 
>> 1-to-many relationship to another table. If you had a query against the 
>> first table that returned a single row, then when you added a joinedload 
>> option to the second table, the number of rows would be more, but 
>> len(query.all()) would still be 1.
>> (This is touched on in the docs at 
>> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/rel_0_9/orm/loading.html#the-zen-of-eager-loading
>>  - the load options that you use are not meant to affect the results of the 
>> query in any way)
>> I don't know what .count() is meant to count exactly. In a "simple" query 
>> (ie. against a single table), I would guess it would return the same as 
>> len(query.all()). And, since eager load options aren't meant to affect the 
>> results of the query, I'd expect the same answer even if you've specified 
>> joinedload options. However, if you've used something like .join() to bring 
>> other tables into the query, .count() would probably count those rows.
>> Does that match with what you are seeing?
>> Simon
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import sqlalchemy as sa
import sqlalchemy.orm as saorm
from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

Base = declarative_base()

class A(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'a'
    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), primary_key=True)

class B(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'b'
    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), primary_key=True)
    a_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('a.id'))
    a = saorm.relationship(A,
                           backref=saorm.backref('b', uselist=False))
    cs = saorm.relationship('C', backref='b')

class C(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'c'
    id = sa.Column(sa.Integer(), primary_key=True)
    b_id = sa.Column(sa.Integer, sa.ForeignKey('b.id'))

def test():
    from optparse import OptionParser
    parser = OptionParser()
    parser.add_option('-v', '--verbose', action='count',
    options, args = parser.parse_args()

    echo = {0: False,
            1: True}.get(options.verbose, 'debug')
    engine = sa.create_engine('sqlite:///:memory:', echo=echo)
    Session = saorm.sessionmaker(bind=engine)

    session = Session()

    a = A(b=B(cs=[C() for i in range(3)]))
    del a

    def display(title, query):
        print '\n%s' % title
        print '=' * len(title)

        if options.verbose:
            print '#### query.count()'
        count = query.count()
        if options.verbose:
            print '\n#### query.all()'
        results = query.all()
        if options.verbose:

        print 'count = %s' % count
        print 'len(results) = %s\n' % len(results)
        for i, row in enumerate(results):
            print '%2s. %s' % (i + 1, row)

    display('A, no joins or joinedloads',

    display('A, joinedload to B',

    display('A, joined to B',

    display('A, joinedload to b.cs',

    display('A, joined to B, joinedload to C',

if __name__ == '__main__':
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