
What is the best way to store runtime information in model?
And is it good idea to store one in a model(like online/offline, etc)

for example:

class User(Base):    __tablename__ = 'users'    id = Column(Integer, 
primary_key=True)    username = Column(String, unique=True, nullable=False)    
fullname = Column(String, default='')    password = Column(String, 
nullable=False)    role = Column(String, nullable=False)

    status = {0: "Offline", 1: "Online", -1: "Unknown"}

    def __init__(self, **kwargs):

        Base.__init__(self, **kwargs)        self.init_status()    
@orm.reconstructor    def init_status(self):        self._online = 0

    @property    def online(self):        if self._online is None:            
self._online = 0        if self.enable:            return self._online        
return -1    @online.setter    def online(self, value):        if value != 
self.online:            dispatcher.send(sender=self, signal="state", 
value=value)            self._online = value

If I get object from session like

user = session.query(User).get(1)

change state

user.online = 1

and after session.close() I have detached object

Do I always have to do expunge(user) after commit() and before close()

and then if I want to change it, I have to add it to new session and the again 

Is there any other ways?


what is the most used practice, to create DAO layer or session it self work 
like DAO layer?


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