On Jan 30, 2014, at 1:58 PM, Pavel Aborilov <abori...@gmail.com> wrote:

> Hi!
> What is the best way to store runtime information in model?

attributes and columns have an .info property you can use, if this is 

User.fullname.info[‘some_info’] = ‘bar’

otherwise certainly, store any additional state on your object as needed, it’s 
a regular Python object, “self._online = 0”, sure, thats great

> If I get object from session like
> user = session.query(User).get(1)
> change state
> user.online = 1
> and after session.close() I have detached object
> Do I always have to do expunge(user) after commit() and before close()

you never need to use expunge() and generally the Session is mostly intended to 
be in progress when you work with your objects.  when you call .close(), you 
should be done using all your objects - they’d either be gone, or stored away 
in some kind of cache or something if you’re moving them to another Session.

basically if you use the session as it is in the ORM tutorial, that’s the main 
way to use it.  The Session is always there when you’re using objects.

> Is there any other ways?
all kinds but you need to be more aware of object lifecycle if you’re coming up 
with your own system.

> what is the most used practice, to create DAO layer or session it self work 
> like DAO layer?

the Session itself is probably not suitable as a *large* scale DAO, for simple 
things sure, but if your app has lots of complex use cases then its better to 
have functions that represent those specific use cases directly.

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