On Thu, Feb 6, 2014 at 3:08 PM, Michael Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:
>> I was imagining/hoping I'd find something like this:
>>    # prepare the query:
>>    myPreparedQuery = mySession.query(stuff).filter(parameter 
>> definitions).prepare()
>>    # run the query whenever I need it during my session:
>>    myPreparedQuery.parameters(stuff).fetchall()
> prepared statements don't really apply much to SELECT statements, the 
> performance gains from such are marginal as you typically invoke a particular 
> SELECT just once within a transaction, and prepared statements don't 
> necessarily carry across transaction or connection boundaries on backends.

That's simply false. Because of the following:

> There are various performance concerns related to SELECT queries and solving 
> them depends much on identifying where a particular performance issue 
> resides.   There's overhead on the side of Python/SQLAlchemy formulating the 
> string statement, theres overhead on the side of passing it to the database 
> to be parsed (which is by far the most infinitesimal part)

That part is most definitely not always so infinitesimally small. I
recall one case (granted, one among so many) of a complex query that
was very fast to execute. The query had dozens of joins, so it took
considerable planning time on the database side. Planning took around
300ms, where execution took only 25ms. So, having spotted the
bottleneck, I switched to using prepared statements (it was a query
that was run several times in the session, not millions of times, but
several) with different arguments. The benefit was considerable.

To do that (I was using SQLA 0.5) I had to compile the select object
and generate the query string, I used Text in the bindparams to
replace them with "$1", "$2", etc... (as postgres likes it), and the
built a "PREPARE" statement and an "EXECUTE" one, it was rather
simple, having SQLA generate the query string.

The result was a 10-fold increase in performance.

DBAPI doesn't have direct support for prepared statements, but hacking
them isn't that difficult. You just have to make sure you send the
PREPARE, EXECUTE and the DEALLOCATE (never forget the DEALLOCATE) on
the same connection. Which is easy, just ask SQLAlchemy's session for
its connection and use it.

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