Since this is the association object pattern, I’ll describe that first.   The 
pattern there is a little complicated, but if you can go with a straight 
many-to-many, it is then much easier.

The relationship as specified here is from A to A_to_B.  If I have an “A” row 
loaded into some_a, and assume the value of is “1”.   Then I request 
the .a_to_b collection:

    a_to_bs = some_a.a_to_b

the SQL emitted will look like:

    SELECT a_to_b.* FROM a_to_b WHERE a_to_b.a_id = 1

because we want to load all the A_to_B objects matching our of “1”.

So if you want to ORDER BY “b.order”, we need to pull “b” into that.  It would 
have to be:

    SELECT a_to_b.* FROM a_to_b JOIN b ON a_to_b.b_id = WHERE a_to_b.a_id 
= 1 ORDER BY b.order

To do this, in the past we’ve had people just add “b” to their primaryjoin 

        relationship(“A_to_B”, primaryjoin="and_(A_to_B.a_id ==, 
A_to_B.b_id ==”, order_by=“”)

That above will work for a lazy load, but not for a joined eager load, if you 
need to do that - the above will load from A_to_B and B but not actually render 
a JOIN.   So the other way is to map to a SELECT or JOIN with a non-primary 
mapper, documentation on that is here:
   you’d here use:

    from sqlalchemy import select
    from sqlalchemy.orm import mapper

    stmt = select([A_to_B, B.order]).select_from(join(A_to_B, B,
    a_to_b_b = mapper(A_to_B, stmt, non_primary=True)
    a_to_b = relationship(a_to_b_b, order_by=stmt.c.order)

you can map to a JOIN instead of a SELECT which produces a more efficient 
query, but then you need to be more careful about the attribute names being 
mapped as the mapper will complain about naming conflicts (the doc includes an 
example of that).

So that is all association object.  Because “B” isn’t involved in loading from 
A to A_to_B, you need to artificially bring “B” in.  If OTOH you can use a 
relationship that specifies “secondary” and goes straight from A to B, then you 
have “B” right there in the SQL that’s emitted:

    relationship(“B”, secondary=A_to_B.__table__, order_by=“B.order”)

You can use both patterns at the same time.  The docs warn you to be careful, 
since the two collections aren’t coordinated together and can be out of sync, 
but it is doable.

On Feb 27, 2014, at 3:30 PM, Seth P <> wrote:

> Just noticed that I had a typo, where I wrote "order_by=b.ordinal" rather 
> than "order_by=b.order". But changing it to "order_by=b.order" still gives:
> AttributeError: 'RelationshipProperty' object has no attribute 'order'
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