Hi there,

I m using SQLAlchemy V. 8.6 together with geomalcheny 2.4a second I get a call

I have a a mapped class:

# tblKey2goGdataLocation
# ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
class tblKey2goGdataLocation(Base):
    __tablename__ = "tblKey2goGdataLocation"
    id =  Column(Integer, nullable=False, primary_key=True)
    location = Column(Geometry('Point'))
    name = Column( Text )
    description = Column( Text )
    location_type = Column( Integer )

    companies = relation(
        secondary= tblCompanyLocation.__table__,

I try to retrieve an maped instance  using this query:

q = session.query(tblKey2goGdataLocation.__table__)
c = tblKey2goGdataLocation.__table__.c
q = q.filter(c['id'] == 123)
result = q.first()

now result is of type:
<class 'sqlalchemy.util._collections.KeyedTuple'>


how can I use this element to update the database record?
or, how can I get an updatable instance ?

thanks very much

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