I am able to access our MS SQL Server 2012 instance and create tables to my 
heart's content.

I'm using the FreeTDS driver to connect to our server with the following 

def connect():
    return pyodbc.connect(
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mssql://', creator=connect)
conn = engine.connect()

And am using the Cubes create_table_from_csv method to create the table 
from a CSV file as follows:

                            ("category", "string"),
                            ("category_label", "string"),
                            ("subcategory", "string"),
                            ("subcategory_label", "string"),
                            ("line_item", "string"),
                            ("year", "integer"),
                            ("amount", "integer")],

The table is created, the data are loaded, and the permissions for my UID 
are all good to go.

However, when I try to actually see the tables, they are not accessible. 

I had been trying to get the Cubes "hello_world" example 
working on our remote server, and when I tried running the aggregate.py 
script, I kept getting the error that "cubes.errors.WorkspaceError: No such 
fact table 'irbd_balance'." 

I know the table is there, I have checked the permissions a zillion times, 
etc., and kept trying to tweak the cubes model, all to no avail.

Then, I thought, what if this is an SQLAlchemy issue. Looks to be. I ran 
the following script as a test:

import pyodbc
import sqlalchemy
from sqlalchemy.engine import reflection
from sqlalchemy.engine.reflection import Inspector

def connect():
    return pyodbc.connect(
engine = sqlalchemy.create_engine('mssql://', creator=connect)
conn = engine.connect()
print conn

for row in engine.execute('select 6 * 7 as [Result];'):
    print row.Result

insp = reflection.Inspector.from_engine(engine)
table_name = 'irb_desc'
table_names = insp.get_table_names()
if table_name not in table_names:
    print 'A'

Again, I am connecting fine with the database create.engine method (that is 
'42' is printing as expected), but when I run the inspector.get_table_names 
method with the given conditional it is printing the 'A' (I have tried 
other table names in the same database to which I added 'irbd_balance,' all 
with the same result.

Any clue why I am not able to see my tables?

Thanks in advance!


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