Adam Feuer <> wrote:

> Hi,
> We are using SQLAlchemy 0.9.8 on Python 2.7.7 and Postgres 9.3.
> We have a query that uses joinedloads to fully populate some Recipe objects 
> using a single query. The query creates a large SQL statement that takes 20 
> seconds to execute - too long. Here's the rendered SQL statement on Pastebin. 
> <> 
> The rendered SQL has an ORDER BY clause that Postgres explain says is the 
> source of 99% of the time spent on this query. This appears to come from the 
> relationship in the ORM model, which has an order_by clause.
> However, we don't care about the order the results are returned for this 
> query - we only care about the order when looking at a single object. If I 
> remove the ORDER BY clause at the end of the rendered SQL statement, the 
> query executes in less than a second - perfect.
> We tried using .order_by(None) on the query, but that seems to have no 
> effect. The ORDER BY seems to be related to the joinedloads, because if 
> change the joinedloads to lazyloads, they go away. But we need the 
> joinedloads for speed.
> How can I get SQLAlchemy to omit the ORDER BY clauses? 

you either need to take order_by off the relationship(), probably the best idea 
here if ordering isn’t important, or otherwise skip joinedload(), write out the 
joins yourself and use contains_eager() 

> FYI, here's the query:
> missing_recipes = 
> cls.query(session).filter( if 
> missing_recipe_ids else []
> Here's an excerpt from the ORM class:
> class Recipe(Base, TransactionalIdMixin, TableCacheMixin, 
> TableCreatedModifiedMixin):
>     __tablename__ = 'recipes'
>       authors = relationship('RecipeAuthor', 
> cascade=OrmCommonClass.OwnedChildCascadeOptions,
>                            single_parent=True,
>                            lazy='joined', order_by='RecipeAuthor.order', 
> backref='recipe')
>     scanned_photos = relationship(ScannedPhoto, backref='recipe', 
> order_by="ScannedPhoto.position")
>     utensils = relationship(CookingUtensil, secondary=lambda: 
> recipe_cooking_utensils_table)
>     utensil_labels = association_proxy('utensils', 'name')
> Our query() method looks something like this (some more joinedloads omitted):
>     @classmethod
>     def query(cls, session):
>         query = query.options(
> joinedload(cls.ingredients).joinedload(RecipeIngredient.ingredient),
>             joinedload(cls.instructions),
>             joinedload(cls.scanned_photos),
>             joinedload(cls.tags),
>             joinedload(cls.authors),
>         )
> cheers
> adam
> -- 
> Adam Feuer 
> <>
> -- 
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