On 4/28/15 3:02 PM, Sam Zhang wrote:
Thanks Michael! it was the lack of a primary key. I see references to it now that I know what to look for - a very interesting explanation: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/faq/ormconfiguration.html#how-do-i-map-a-table-that-has-no-primary-key

It looks like there's no mention of this requirement in the automap documentation page though: http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/extensions/automap.html. I'd be happy to add a brief note about it and submit a pull request if you'd like.

sure thing!


On Monday, April 27, 2015 at 6:54:13 PM UTC-4, Michael Bayer wrote:

    On 4/27/15 4:29 PM, Sam Zhang wrote:

    I'm following the documentation for reflecting database tables
    using `automap`:

    When I don't specific a schema, and Postgres uses the default
    `public` schema, this works as expected, and I find the names of
    my tables:

        >>> m = MetaData()
        >>> b = automap_base(bind=engine, metadata=m)
        >>> b.prepare(engine, reflect=True)
        >>> b.classes.keys()
        ['ads', 'spatial_ref_sys', 'income']

    But when I specific an explicit schema, I don't have access to
    the tables in `Base.classes` anymore.

        >>> m = MetaData(schema='geography')
        >>> b = automap_base(bind=engine, metadata=m)
        >>> b.prepare(engine, reflect=True)
        >>> b.classes.keys()

    The MetaData reflected correctly though:

        >>> b.metadata.tables
    Column('GEOID', VARCHAR(length=5), table=<u
        sa_cbsa_centroids>, nullable=False), ...})

    Note that the tables and columns are only known at runtime.
    Here's a demo that works for me.  Does it work for you?    Do all
    your tables have primary keys defined?

    from sqlalchemy.ext.automap import automap_base
    from sqlalchemy.orm import Session
    from sqlalchemy import create_engine, MetaData

    engine = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test",
        create table if not exists test_schema.user (
            id serial primary key, name varchar(30)
        create table if not exists test_schema.address (
            id serial primary key,
            email_address varchar(30),
            user_id integer references test_schema.user(id)

    m = MetaData(schema="test_schema")

    Base = automap_base(bind=engine, metadata=m)

    # reflect the tables
    Base.prepare(engine, reflect=True)

    assert Base.classes.keys() == ['user', 'address']

    User = Base.classes.user
    Address = Base.classes.address

    session = Session(engine)

    session.add(Address(email_address="f...@bar.com" <javascript:>,

    u1 = session.query(User).first()

    Any thoughts?

    This is duplicated from
    feel free to answer there as well.

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