On 6/21/15 1:46 PM, Kevin Qiu wrote:
It's a test db, there's only one record being added to the table. And I ensure that with a assertIn() test and it passes.
The original code was:
class Application(mydb.Model):
__tablename__ = 'APPLICATION'
app_id = mydb.Column(mydb.Integer, primary_key = True)#app_id = mydb.Column(mydb.String(30), primary_key = True)
created_datetime = mydb.Column(mydb.DateTime(), primary_key = True)

class ProjectApp(Application):
__tablename__ = 'PROJECT_APP'
__table_args__ = (
['APPLICATION.app_id', 'APPLICATION.created_datetime']
app_id = mydb.Column(mydb.Integer, primary_key = True)
created_datetime = mydb.Column(mydb.DateTime(), primary_key = True)
c_supervisor = mydb.Column(mydb.String(62), mydb.ForeignKey('C_SUPERVISOR.c_sup_email'))

def create_new_internship_app(self, student):
internship_app = ProjectApp(

you are assigning a Date object to a DateTime column which is critically part of the primary key. The row that comes back therefore has a different primary key since date(Y, m, d) != datetime(Y, m, d, 0, 0, 0):

>>> import datetime
>>> d1 = datetime.date(2015, 5, 10)
>>> d2 = datetime.datetime(2015, 5, 10, 0, 0, 0)
>>> d1 == d2
>>> d1 == d2.date()

I'd try to avoid using dates/datetimes as parts of primary keys because they are difficult to equate to each other, for this reason as well as issues like microseconds present / non-present, etc.

sample instance keys:

(<class '__main__.ProjectApp'>, (2, datetime.date(2015, 6, 21)))

(<class '__main__.ProjectApp'>, (2, datetime.datetime(2015, 6, 21, 0, 0)))

#deadline_datetime=datetime.date.today() + datetime.timedelta(days=PROCESS_TIMEFRAME[CASE_PRIORITY['Project app']]),
proj_description='It\'s long story',
proj_salary='No salary',
internship_app_rst = mydb.session.query(ProjectApp).one()
self.assertIs(internship_app_rst, internship_app)
self.assertEquals(internship_app_rst.proj_s_date , internship_app.proj_s_date)
                return internship_app
On Sunday, June 21, 2015 at 7:20:04 PM UTC+2, Michael Bayer wrote:

    did you try adding an ORDER BY to that query?  calling
    query.first() will return only the first result in an unordered
    list.  It is essentially random.

    On 6/21/15 12:45 PM, Kevin Qiu wrote:
    I create a unit test that add new ProjApp object to the database,
    but the returned object shows it is not the same object inserted,
    I don't follow why it's like this because I have others tests on
    inserting a row to a different table, and returned shows the same
    row object.

    Test result:

            self.assertIs(internship_app_rst, internship_app)
        AssertionError: <project.models.ProjectApp object at
    0x0000000003EE7E10> is not <project.models.ProjectApp object at 0x0


        def create_new_internship_app(self, student):
    internship_app = ProjectApp(
    proj_title='Long story'
    internship_app_rst = mydb.session.query(ProjectApp).first()
    self.assertIs(internship_app_rst, internship_app)


        class Application(mydb.Model):
    __tablename__ = 'APPLICATION'
    app_id = mydb.Column(mydb.Integer, primary_key = True)
    created_datetime = mydb.Column(mydb.DateTime(), primary_key = True)
            app_description = mydb.Column(mydb.Text())
            app_category = mydb.Column(mydb.String(30))
    case_owner_obj = mydb.relationship('Staff',
    __mapper_args__ = {
        class ProjectApp(Application):
    __tablename__ = 'PROJECT_APP'
    __table_args__ = (
    ['APPLICATION.app_id', 'APPLICATION.created_datetime']
    app_id = mydb.Column(mydb.Integer, primary_key = True)
    created_datetime = mydb.Column(mydb.DateTime(), primary_key = True)
            proj_title = mydb.Column(mydb.Text())
    __mapper_args__ = {
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