In fact if I take the output parameterized SQL + values and combine them 
together and run vs SQL*Plus the insert works.

Using this:

2015-07-28 11:12:40,844 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine b'INSERT INTO 
corp.test_table (batch_id, batch_type, scheduled_date, status, emp_id, 
bill_per, label, log_file, debug_file, completed_date) VALUES (:batch_id, 
:batch_type, :scheduled_date, :status, :emp_id, :bill_per, :label, 
:log_file, :debug_file, :completed_date)'
2015-07-28 11:12:40,844 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine {b'bill_per': 
201501, b'batch_type': 1, b'status': 0, b'scheduled_date': 
datetime.datetime(2015, 7, 28, 11, 12, 40, 843806), b'debug_file': None, 
b'log_file': None, b'label': 'Testing insert', b'completed_date': None, 
b'emp_id': 8329, b'batch_id': 999999}

Recombines into this:

INSERT INTO corp.test_table (batch_id, batch_type, scheduled_date, status, 
emp_id, bill_per, label, log_file, debug_file, completed_date) VALUES 
(999999, 1, to_date('2015-07-28 11:12:40', 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi:ss'), 0, 
8329, 201501, 'Testing insert', NULL, NULL, NULL);

Which I can run against Oracle as:

SQL> INSERT INTO corp.test_table (batch_id, batch_type, scheduled_date, 
status, emp_id, bill_per, label, log_file, debug_file, completed_date) 
VALUES (999999, 1, to_date('2015-07-28 11:12:40', 'yyyy-mm-dd HH24:mi:ss'), 
0, 8329, 201501, 'Testing insert', NULL, NULL, NULL);

1 row created.

On Tuesday, July 28, 2015 at 11:43:29 AM UTC-4, Jonathan Vanasco wrote:
> Is your Oracle set to run case-insensitive for the columns and tables?

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