
After a query has been constructed with some filter conditions applied, but 
before the query has been run, what's the best way to replace the attribute 
in the filter clause?

Let's say I have a query like this

q = session.query(Cube).join(Version).filter(Version.version == 'v1_5_1')

and I can print the filters with and without the values bound

print q.whereclause
version.version = :version_1

version.version = 'v1_5_1'

What's the best way to replace the attribute with a new parameter, like 
version = 'v1_3_3'?

For a single condition, the type of whereclause is a BinaryExpression, and 
I figured out that left, operator, and right, get me the left-hand, 
right-hand side of the clause and the operator.  And I can modify the value 


print q.whereclause.compile(compile_kwargs={'literal_binds':True})
version.version = 'v1_3_3'

Is this the best way?  

My bigger problem is I have a list of clauses in my query

t = session.query(Cube).join(Version,Sample).filter(Version.version == 
'v1_5_1', Sample.x < 10)

now the t.whereclause is a BooleanClauseList and I can't figure out how to 
iterate over this list, such that I can do the above, and modify the 
version value in place.   What's the best way to do this?  I can't find the 
proper location in the documentation that describes a BooleanClauseList. 
 Searching for it returns 0 results. 


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