Update: I fixed the symptom by changing the column datatypes back to 
db.String and casting when a UnicodeDecodError is raised. 

db.session.query(cast(Annotations.annotation, sa.Unicode)

However, my feeling is that this is not a great situation as it looks like 
I have two different string encodings (?) in the same table-field.  This is 
because I was running into an issue where long strings passed as query 
parameters to _.in() or `==` filters were raising ProgrammingError exceptions 
about varchar(max) and text types not being comparable.  To work around, I 
trapped the exceptions and casted the parameters as db.String in the filter

.filter(cast(AnnotatedData.annotated_string, sa.String) == 
cast(annotation_instance, sa.String)).all()

and inserted the cast'd strings (which shouldn't have been a problem since 
the column types were defined as db.String in the first place).

I wonder if this situation is recognizable and if anyone has any advice on 
dealing with the situation?


On Friday, March 4, 2016 at 2:51:15 PM UTC-5, Tim Pierson wrote:
> I've seen a couple of issues regarding mssql and drivers handling of 
> strings but I haven't been able to resolve my problem.  
> I have a flask app with flask-sqlalchemy models defined and a simple query 
> is throwing the above complaint about decoding the string. 
> My connection string:
> mssql+pyodbc://[...]/[...]?trusted_connection=yes&charset=utf8&deprecate_large_types=True
>  A 
> Which is given to the SQLAlchemy class instance db after the initialization 
> of the app with:
> db.init_app(app)
> The offending model:
> class Annotations(db.Model):
>     id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
>     creation_date = db.Column(db.DateTime, default=datetime.datetime.now)
>     created_by = db.Column(db.String, nullable=False)
>     annotation = db.Column(sqlalchemy.Unicode, nullable=False)
>     annotation_type_id = db.Column(db.Integer, 
> db.ForeignKey('AnnotationTypes.id'))
> The query:
> db.session.query(Annotations.annotation).all()
> I've replaced the original column type db.String with sqlalchemy.Unicode on 
> the field that throws the error as per an earlier question on this list but 
> it hasn't resolved the problem.  
> Could someone offer any pointers?
> Thanks,

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