On 27 June 2016 at 16:22, Mike Bayer <mike...@zzzcomputing.com> wrote:

> Not really sure, that URL itself won't allow a psycopg2 connection to even
> occur.

Yeah, I noticed that. psql has sensible defaults here that psycopg2
apparently doesn't have. In this case I'd just stripped the credentials out
of the script, sorry.

> The error means that the construct is trying to be generated as a string,
> like in a print statement.   But 1.1 has a new feature that allows default
> stringification of pg.ARRAY and other constructs to actually work.
> Need a stack trace at the very least.
Good point. Attached. Just to get some more information I put stopped a
debugger at the raise statement and got the following:

-> raise exc.CompileError(
(Pdb) l
454             if not fn:
455                 try:
456                     fn = self.specs['default']
457                 except KeyError:
458                     import pdb; pdb.set_trace()
459  ->                 raise exc.CompileError(
460                         "%s construct has no default "
461                         "compilation handler." % type(element))
462             return fn(element, compiler, **kw)
(Pdb) p locals()
{'self': <sqlalchemy.ext.compiler._dispatcher object at 0x7f90e8806910>,
 'element': ARRAY(String()),
 'kw': {'type_expression': Column('reference', ARRAY(String()),
table=<test>, primary_key=True, nullable=False,
server_default=DefaultClause('{}', for_update=False))},
 'pdb': <module 'pdb' from '/usr/lib/python2.7/pdb.pyc'>,
 'fn': None,
 'compiler': <sqlalchemy.dialects.postgresql.base.PGTypeCompiler object at
(Pdb) p self.specs
{'sqlite': <function compile_binary_sqlite at 0x7f90e880c7d0>}
(Pdb) p self.specs['default']
*** KeyError: KeyError('default',)

That sqlite reference looks a bit weird, did I miss some initialisation

Hope this helps,
Martijn van Oosterhout <klep...@gmail.com> http://svana.org/kleptog/

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