I'm trying to build a hybrid property / expression in one of my SQLA base 
classes, and the expression side requires several subqueries and I cannot 
for the life of me figure out the correct syntax.  I've tried many 
different versions / syntaxes for the expression, using the SQL alchemy 
expression language, the ORM language but I can't get any of it work.  What 
am I missing here?  Here is my latest attempt. 

The setup is this.  I have a class called Cube, which is my base object. 
 For each object in that cube table, I need to grab an attribute from a 
table A and use that attribute to modify an array column from a second 
table B.  And I want to make this new array queryable, thus the 

The equivalent raw SQL is 

select (select (array_agg(unwave.restw)) as restwarr from (select (unnest(w.
wavelength)/(1+n.z)) as restw from mangadatadb.wavelength as w) as unwave) 
from mangadatadb.cube as c join mangasampledb.manga_target as m on 
join mangasampledb.manga_target_to_nsa as t on t.manga_target_pk=m.pk join 
mangasampledb.nsa as n on n.pk=t.nsa_pk join mangadatadb.wavelength as w on 
w.pk=c.wavelength_pk limit 5;

The instance side is quite easy.  The class side is proving difficult.   
What is the proper way to write this?  I've read through the 
documentation countless times now and it hasn't helped much.  

class Cube
    def restwave(self):
        if self.target:
            redshift = self.target.NSA_objects[0].z
            wave = np.array(self.wavelength.wavelength)
            restwave = wave/(1+redshift)
            return restwave
            return None

    def restwave(cls):
        session = db.Session()
        nsaz = session.query(sampledb.NSA.z.label('z')).\
            join(sampledb.MangaTargetToNSA, sampledb.MangaTarget, Cube).\
            filter(Cube.mangaid == cls.mangaid).subquery('nsaz', with_labels
        unwave = session.query((func.unnest(Wavelength.wavelength)/(1+nsaz.c
.z)).label('restw')).subquery('unwave', with_labels=True)
        restwave = session.query(func.array_agg(unwave.c.restw))

        return restwave


fails with 
    AttributeError: 'Query' object has no attribute 'is_clause_element'

I've also tried this. 

    def restwave(cls):
        unwave = select([(func.unnest(Wavelength.wavelength)/(1+sampledb.NSA
        restwave = select([func.array_agg(unwave.c.restw).label('restwarr'
       return restwave

and this fails

In [6]: datadb.Cube.restwave
ArgumentError                             Traceback (most recent call last)
<ipython-input-6-16300d165395> in <module>()
----> 1 datadb.Cube.restwave

in __get__(self, instance, owner)
    738     def __get__(self, instance, owner):
    739         if instance is None:
--> 740             return self.expr(owner)
    741         else:
    742             return self.fget(instance)

internal/database/utah/mangadb/DataModelClasses.pyc in restwave(cls)
    454         # unwave = 
    455         # restwave = 
--> 456         #     Cube.__table__.join(Wavelength.wavelength).
    457         #     join(sampledb.MangaTarget).
    458         #     join(sampledb.MangaTargetToNSA).

.pyc in join(self, right, onclause, isouter)
    350         """
--> 352         return Join(self, right, onclause, isouter)
    354     def outerjoin(self, right, onclause=None):

in __init__(self, left, right, onclause, isouter)
    658         """
    659         self.left = _interpret_as_from(left)
--> 660         self.right = _interpret_as_from(right).self_group()
    662         if onclause is None:

.pyc in _interpret_as_from(element)
     47         return insp.selectable
     48     except AttributeError:
---> 49         raise exc.ArgumentError("FROM expression expected")

ArgumentError: FROM expression expected

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