Ok.  Yeah, I have been trying many different ways of getting results.  The 
raw SQL that I'm trying to recreate in SQLA is this (for the restwave 
column only), which works in postgresql.  The limit was only there to do 
the filter the results.  You can ignore that limit.

manga=# select c.pk,c.mangaid,c.manga_target_pk, n.z, (select 
(array_agg(unwave.restw))[0:5] as restwave from (select 
(unnest(w.wavelength)/(1+n.z)) as restw from mangadatadb.wavelength as w) 
as unwave)
from mangadatadb.cube as c
    join mangasampledb.manga_target as m on m.pk=c.manga_target_pk
    join mangasampledb.manga_target_to_nsa as t on t.manga_target_pk=m.pk
    join mangasampledb.nsa as n on n.pk=t.nsa_pk
    join mangadatadb.wavelength as w on w.pk=c.wavelength_pk;
  pk   | mangaid | manga_target_pk |         z          |                   
 11211 | 1-22286 |           30678 |  0.099954180419445 | {3292.49709827422,
  7729 | 1-22286 |           30678 |  0.099954180419445 | {3292.49709827422,
 11209 | 1-22298 |           15026 | 0.0614774264395237 | {3411.84452637247,
  7727 | 1-22298 |           15026 | 0.0614774264395237 | {3411.84452637247,
 11219 | 1-22301 |              35 |  0.105152934789658 | {3277.00884941768,
(5 rows)

In SQLA,  this code returns something but it is the wrong array for the 
given Cube specified in the filter condition

In [20]: rwquery = session.query(datadb.Cube.restwave).filter(datadb.Cube.

In [21]: print rwquery
SELECT (SELECT array_agg(unwave.restw) AS array_agg_1
FROM (SELECT unnest(mangadatadb.wavelength.wavelength) / (%(z_1)s + nsaz.z) 
AS restw
FROM mangadatadb.wavelength, (SELECT mangasampledb.nsa.z AS z
FROM mangasampledb.nsa JOIN mangasampledb.manga_target_to_nsa ON 
mangasampledb.nsa.pk = mangasampledb.manga_target_to_nsa.nsa_pk JOIN 
mangasampledb.manga_target ON mangasampledb.manga_target.pk = mangasampledb.
manga_target_to_nsa.manga_target_pk JOIN mangadatadb.cube ON mangasampledb.
manga_target.pk = mangadatadb.cube.manga_target_pk
WHERE mangadatadb.cube.mangaid = mangadatadb.cube.mangaid) AS nsaz) AS 
unwave) AS anon_1
FROM mangadatadb.cube
WHERE mangadatadb.cube.mangaid = %(mangaid_1)s

In [22]: rwave = rwquery.first()

In [23]: rwave[0][0:10]

I do rwquery.first() here instead of .one() or .all() because in my 
database, I actually have different versions of the same object, 6 
versions, which I don't care about.  But that's fine, I can add additional 
filters later.  In the code setup I sent up, there is only one version of 
each cube object.   The above results gets produced with the @expression

    def restwave(cls):
        session = db.Session()
        nsaz = session.query(sampledb.NSA.z.label('z')).\
            join(sampledb.MangaTargetToNSA, sampledb.MangaTarget, Cube).\
            filter(Cube.mangaid == cls.mangaid).subquery('nsaz', with_labels
        unwave = session.query((func.unnest(Wavelength.wavelength)/(1+nsaz.c
.z)).label('restw')).subquery('unwave', with_labels=True)
        restwave = session.query(func.array_agg(unwave.c.restw)).as_scalar()

        return restwave

I don't need any limits and I think I need 4 selects, the one in the query 
I run explicitly s.query(Cube.restwave)  and three inside the @expression. 
  When I grab the actual cube instance object and access restwave on the 
instance side, it works just fine. 

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