Hi Mike,

Thanks for response. I do have the use of the UniqueConstraint in the 
association table included below. Any other suggestions?

assignmentoutcomeallocation = Table('assignmentoutcome', Base.metadata,

    Column('CourseID', BigInteger, primary_key=True),

    Column('UnitID', Integer, primary_key=True),

    Column('OutcomeID', Integer, primary_key=True),

    Column('AssignmentID', BigInteger, 
ForeignKey('assignment.AssignmentID'), primary_key=True),

    UniqueConstraint('CourseID', 'UnitID', 'OutcomeID', 'AssignmentID'),


        ['CourseID', 'UnitID', 'OutcomeID'],

        ['learningoutcome.CourseID', 'learningoutcome.UnitID', 




On Tuesday, 6 December 2016 14:36:15 UTC, dcs3spp wrote:
> Hi,
> I am running SQLAlchemy 1.1.4 connected to postgreSQL 9.6 on OSX Sierra 
> 10.12.1. I am experiencing difficulty getting SQLAlchemy to raise an 
> integrity error when a persistent object is appended to a relationship for 
> which it is already associated with. 
> Is the accepted method to manually raise an exception by testing for 
> existing membership in the collection_class of the relationship before 
> inserting the persistent object into the relationship? I have tested with 
> default list and also setting the collection_class to set. Would be 
> grateful if anyone could help with this and point out where I am going 
> wrong :)
> I have included details of code and DB structure below. Currently, 
> duplicate associations are silently ignored, i.e. no INSERT statements 
> generated.
> Cheers
> Simon
> DB Structure
> Assignment —< AssignmentOutcome >— LearningOutcome 
> Assignment identified by AssignmentID
> LearningOutcome identified by CourseID, UnitID, OutcomeID
> AssignmentOutcome identified by AssignmentID, CourseID, UnitID, OutcomeID
> proposed_coursemanagement=> SELECT * FROM assignment outcome;
>  AssignmentID | CourseID | UnitID | OutcomeID 
> --------------+----------+--------+-----------
>             1 |  1014760 |      2 |         1
>             1 |  1014760 |      2 |         2
>             2 |  1014760 |      2 |         1
>             2 |  1014760 |      2 |         3
>             3 |  1014760 |      2 |         2
>             4 |  1014760 |      2 |         3
> (6 rows)
> TEST SCRIPT PURPOSE: Try appending outcome 1 again to assignment 1. Should 
> SQLAlchemy raise and exception since this is already mapped in association 
> table? Current behaviour is that duplicate is silently ignored. When I 
> append outcome 4 for assignment 1 it is mapped to the association table.
> def usage(argo):
>     cmd = os.path.basename(argv[0])
>     print('usage: %s <config_uri> [var=value]\n'
>           '(example: "%s development.ini")' % (cmd, cmd))
> def main(argv=sys.argv):
>     if len(argv) < 2:
>         usage(argv)
>     print ("Initialising SQLAlchemy engine instance and tables.......")
>     config_uri = argv[1]
>     options = parse_vars(argv[2:])
>     setup_logging(config_uri)
>     settings = get_appsettings(config_uri, options=options)
>     engine = get_engine(settings)
>     Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
>     session_factory = get_session_factory(engine)
>     print ("Completed initialisation.....")
>     print ("Starting Test Script...")
>     with transaction.manager:
>         dbsession = get_tm_session(session_factory, transaction.manager)
>         # load into session assignment 1 and learning outcomes 1 and 4
>         # outcome 1 already exists in the association table for assignment 
> 1
>         # outcome 4 does not exist yet in the association table for 
> assignment 1
>         assignment = dbsession.query(AssignmentModel).get(1)
>         outcome_1 = dbsession.query(LearningOutcomeModel).get((1014760, 2, 
> 1))
>         outcome_4 = dbsession.query(LearningOutcomeModel).get((1014760, 2, 
> 4))
>         # add outcome 1 and outcome 4 to assignmentoutcomes relationship
>         assignment.assignmentoutcomes.append(outcome_1)
>         assignment.assignmentoutcomes.append(outcome_4)
>         # inspect and display state for assignment and outcome objects
>         assignmentIns = inspect (assignment)
>         outcome1Ins = inspect (outcome_1)
>         outcome4Ins = inspect (outcome_4)
>         print("assignment object=Transient: {0}, Pending: {1}, Persistent: 
> {2}, Detatched: {3}".format(
>             assignmentIns.transient, assignmentIns.pending, 
> assignmentIns.persistent, assignmentIns.detached))
>         print("outcome_1 object=Transient: {0}, Pending: {1}, Persistent: 
> {2}, Detatched: {3}".format(
>             outcome1Ins.transient, outcome1Ins.pending, 
> outcome1Ins.persistent, outcome1Ins.detached))
>         print("outcome_4 object=Transient: {0}, Pending: {1}, Persistent: 
> {2}, Detatched: {3}".format(
>             outcome4Ins.transient, outcome4Ins.pending, 
> outcome4Ins.persistent, outcome4Ins.detached))
>         # inspect and display session states .dirty, .new and .deleted
>         print ("dbsession.dirty={0}, .new={1}, .deleted={2}".format(
>             dbsession.dirty, dbsession.new, dbsession.deleted))
>     print ("Test Script complete...")
> assignment object=Transient: False, Pending: False, Persistent: True, 
> Detatched: False
> outcome_1 object=Transient: False, Pending: False, Persistent: True, 
> Detatched: False
> outcome_4 object=Transient: False, Pending: False, Persistent: True, 
> Detatched: False
> dbsession.dirty=IdentitySet([<LearningOutcome('1014760','2', '4', 'Unit 2 
> : Learning Outcome 4')>, <LearningOutcome('1014760','2', '1', 'Understand 
> the components of computer systems')>, <Assignment('1','1014760', '2', 
> '2015-12-10 00:00:00+00:00', 'Assignment 1')>]), .new=IdentitySet([]), 
> .deleted=IdentitySet([])
> 2016-12-06 12:33:10,691 INFO  
> [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1097][MainThread] INSERT INTO 
> proposed_coursemanagement.assignmentoutcome ("CourseID", "UnitID", 
> "OutcomeID", "AssignmentID") VALUES (%(CourseID)s, %(UnitID)s, 
> %(OutcomeID)s, %(AssignmentID)s)
> 2016-12-06 12:33:10,691 INFO  
> [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1100][MainThread] {'OutcomeID': 4, 
> 'CourseID': 1014760, 'UnitID': 2, 'AssignmentID': 1}
> 2016-12-06 12:33:10,692 INFO  
> [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:686][MainThread] COMMIT
> Test Script complete...
> proposed_coursemanagement=> SELECT * FROM assignmentoutcome;
>  AssignmentID | CourseID | UnitID | OutcomeID 
> --------------+----------+--------+-----------
>             1 |  1014760 |      2 |         1 * No duplicate raised - does 
> SQLAlchemy silently ignore?
>             1 |  1014760 |      2 |         2
>             2 |  1014760 |      2 |         1
>             2 |  1014760 |      2 |         3
>             3 |  1014760 |      2 |         2
>             4 |  1014760 |      2 |         3
>             1 |  1014760 |      2 |         4
> (7 rows)
> assignmentoutcomeallocation = Table('assignmentoutcome', Base.metadata,
>     Column('CourseID', BigInteger, primary_key=True),
>     Column('UnitID', Integer, primary_key=True),
>     Column('OutcomeID', Integer, primary_key=True),
>     Column('AssignmentID', BigInteger, 
> ForeignKey('assignment.AssignmentID'), primary_key=True),
>     UniqueConstraint('CourseID', 'UnitID', 'OutcomeID', 'AssignmentID'),
>     ForeignKeyConstraint(
>         ['CourseID', 'UnitID', 'OutcomeID'],
>         ['learningoutcome.CourseID', 'learningoutcome.UnitID', 
> 'learningoutcome.OutcomeID']),
> )
> class AssignmentModel(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'assignment'
>     __table_args__ = (
>             ForeignKeyConstraint(['CourseID','UnitID'], ['unit.CourseID', 
> 'unit.UnitID']),
>         )
>     AssignmentID = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True,
> server_default=text("nextval('proposed_coursemanagement.\"assignment_AssignmentID_seq\"::regclass)"))
>     CourseID = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False)
>     UnitID = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
>     AssignmentSetDate = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), nullable=False)
>     AssignmentSubmissionDate = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), 
> nullable=False)
>     AssignmentResubmissionDate = Column(DateTime(timezone=True), 
> nullable=False)
>     AssignmentTitle = Column(String(200), nullable=False)
>     indx = Index('assignment_indx', 'CourseID', 'UnitID', 
> text('lower(\"AssignmentTitle\")'), 'AssignmentSetDate')
>     unit = relationship('UnitModel')
>     assignmentcriteria = relationship('UnitCriteriaModel',
> secondary=assignmentcriteriaallocation,
> back_populates='criteria_assignments')
>     assignmentoutcomes = relationship('LearningOutcomeModel',
> secondary=assignmentoutcomeallocation,
>                                       back_populates='outcome_assignments')
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return "<Assignment('%s','%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')>" % 
> (self.AssignmentID, self.CourseID, self.UnitID, self.AssignmentSetDate, 
> self.AssignmentTitle)
>     def __str__(self):
>         return "<Assignment('%s','%s', '%s', '%s', '%s')>" % 
> (self.AssignmentID, self.CourseID, self.UnitID, self.AssignmentSetDate, 
> self.AssignmentTitle)
> class LearningOutcomeModel(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'learningoutcome'
>     __table_args__ = (
>             ForeignKeyConstraint(['CourseID','UnitID'], ['unit.CourseID', 
> 'unit.UnitID']),
>         )
>     CourseID = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
>     UnitID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
>     OutcomeID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, nullable=False)
>     LearningOutcome = Column(String(100), nullable=False)
>     unit = relationship('UnitModel')
>     outcome_assignments = relationship (
>             'AssignmentModel',
>             secondary=assignmentoutcomeallocation,
>             back_populates='assignmentoutcomes')
>     def __repr__(self):
>         return "<LearningOutcome('%s','%s', '%s', '%s')>" % 
> (self.CourseID, self.UnitID, self.OutcomeID, self.LearningOutcome)
>     def __str__(self):
>         return "<LearningOutcome('%s','%s', '%s', '%s')>" % 
> (self.CourseID, self.UnitID, self.OutcomeID, self.LearningOutcome)

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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