On 12/07/2016 06:29 AM, 'dcs3spp' via sqlalchemy wrote:

Have tried code sample and it does indeed throw a duplicate :) This is
under the condition for 1:m with a fresh object instance created that
has a duplicate key id.

I have created a smaller example for the scenario I am using. This is
based upon the many to many example in the SQLAlchemy documentation (see
code attached and below).
The scenario appends an existing persistent session object twice. No
exception is generated. Is the expected behaviour for the developer to
check for the existence of an association between two object in order to
raise an exception under this scenario?

thanks, this test is much easier to read ! :)

this is a many-to-many where you're using an association table. In this case, the mechanics of the relationship I believe are deduplicating the unique rows for the association table. I think this may have something to do with some other use cases, perhaps backrefs, where it's trying to work around some cases where it can't reliably see each object only once (or something)...this case may or may not be current anymore. that is, it would be better if it didn't work this way.

however, I don't have that improvement on deck right now. So to make this raise you'd need to use events to detect it in Python ahead of time. An attribute append event could do it or also a before_flush event.

the attribute error is just this form:

from sqlalchemy import event

@event.listens_for(Parent.children, "append")
def _append(target, value, initiator):
    if value in target.children:
        raise ValueError("duplicate value")

for a relationship() with secondary, this is unfortunately all we have for now, the duplicates are deduped inside the flush mechanism.


from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base
from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *

Base = declarative_base()

association_table = Table('association', Base.metadata,
    Column('left_id', Integer, ForeignKey('left.id')),
    Column('right_id', Integer, ForeignKey('right.id')),

class Parent(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'left'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    children = relationship(

class Child(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'right'
    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
    parents = relationship(

def main ():
    print ('main()')
    e = create_engine("postgresql://app:Pa55w0rd@localhost/test",

    s = Session(e)

    # initialise database with Parent(1) associated with Child(1)
    p = Parent ()
    c = Child ()
    p.children.append (c)
    s.add (p)
    s.add (c)
    s.commit ()

    # now simulate a request to associate Parent(1) with Child(1)
    # When commit no exception thrown
    theParent = s.query(Parent).get(1)
    theChild = s.query(Child).get(1)
    theParent.children.append (theChild)
    s.commit ()

if __name__ == "__main__":

On Tuesday, 6 December 2016 17:21:33 UTC, Mike Bayer wrote:

    the formatting of your code is coming out largely unreadable for me,
    here is a short example illustrating how to get an IntegrityError when
    appending to a collection.   Try running this to confirm it works, and
    then seeing what's different about your own application versus this

    from sqlalchemy import *
    from sqlalchemy.orm import *
    from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base

    Base = declarative_base()

    class A(Base):
         __tablename__ = 'a'
         id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
         bs = relationship("B")

    class B(Base):
         __tablename__ = 'b'
         id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
         a_id = Column(ForeignKey('a.id <http://a.id>'))
         some_unique_thing = Column(Integer)

         __table_args__ = (
             UniqueConstraint("some_unique_thing", name="uq_1"),

    e = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test", echo=True)

    s = Session(e)

    a1 = A(bs=[B(some_unique_thing=1)])


    On 12/06/2016 12:10 PM, 'dcs3spp' via sqlalchemy wrote:
    > Hi Mike,
    > Thanks again for responding :)
    > Currently testing with default collection of list. Have also tried
    > previously with set before original post, but still no exception
    > generated. Difference is the set silently ignores duplicates in
    > when adding items.
    > Hmmm interesting. Sees the model as in the dirty state for both
    > associating table rows. SQLAlchemy only generating INSERT SQL for
    > outcome (4), i.e. not already present in the relationship. Outcome
    2 is
    > ignored, i.e. no INSERT statement generated. Outcome 2 is already
    > present in association table.
    > Cheers
    > Simon
    > assignment object=Transient: False, Pending: False, Persistent: True,
    > Detatched: False
    > outcome_1 object=Transient: False, Pending: False, Persistent: True,
    > Detatched: False
    > outcome_4 object=Transient: False, Pending: False, Persistent: True,
    > Detatched: False
    > dbsession.dirty=IdentitySet([<LearningOutcome('1014760','2', '1',
    > 'Understand the components of computer systems')>,
    > <Assignment('1','1014760', '2', '2015-12-10 00:00:00+00:00',
    > 1')>, <LearningOutcome('1014760','2', '4', 'Unit 2 : Learning Outcome
    > 4')>]), .new=IdentitySet([]), .deleted=IdentitySet([])
    > 2016-12-06 17:00:33,878 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine INSERT
    > proposed_coursemanagement.assignmentoutcome ("CourseID", "UnitID",
    > "OutcomeID", "AssignmentID") VALUES (%(CourseID)s, %(UnitID)s,
    > %(OutcomeID)s, %(AssignmentID)s)
    > 2016-12-06 17:00:33,878 INFO
    > [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:109][MainThread] INSERT INTO
    > proposed_coursemanagement.assignmentoutcome ("CourseID", "UnitID",
    > "OutcomeID", "AssignmentID") VALUES (%(CourseID)s, %(UnitID)s,
    > %(OutcomeID)s, %(AssignmentID)s)
    > 2016-12-06 17:00:33,878 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine
    > 1014760, 'OutcomeID': 4, 'AssignmentID': 1, 'UnitID': 2}
    > 2016-12-06 17:00:33,878 INFO
    > [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:109][MainThread] {'CourseID': 1014760,
    > 'OutcomeID': 4, 'AssignmentID': 1, 'UnitID': 2}
    > 2016-12-06 17:00:33,879 INFO sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine COMMIT
    > 2016-12-06 17:00:33,879 INFO
    > [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:109][MainThread] COMMIT
    > Test Script complete...
    > On Tuesday, 6 December 2016 16:27:35 UTC, Mike Bayer wrote:
    >     On 12/06/2016 11:21 AM, 'dcs3spp' via sqlalchemy wrote:
    >     > Hi,
    >     >
    >     > Good suggestion by Mike, regarding possibility that problem
    could be
    >     > with postgreSQL. Tried inserting duplicate record in
    >     table
    >     > from within postgreSQL. This correctly raises a duplicate
    key error.
    >     >
    >     > proposed_coursemanagement=> INSERT INTO assignmentoutcome
    VALUES (1,
    >     > 1014760, 2, 1);
    >     >
    >     > ERROR:  duplicate key value violates unique constraint
    >     > "assignmentoutcome_pkey"
    >     >
    >     > DETAIL:  Key ("AssignmentID", "OutcomeID", "UnitID",
    >     "CourseID")=(1, 1,
    >     > 2, 1014760) already exists.
    >     OK then when you set up your model state and do a
    >     turn
    >     on echo=True and watch the SQL that is emitted.  You would
    ideally see
    >     it attempting to insert this row as well, assuming the
    collection on
    >     your relationship allows duplicates in the first place (e.g.
    it's a
    >     list, not a set).   Since you aren't getting an integrity
    error, it's
    >     likely not doing that as yet.
    >     >
    >     >
    >     > Cheers
    >     >
    >     > Simon
    >     >
    >     > On Tuesday, 6 December 2016 14:36:15 UTC, dcs3spp wrote:
    >     >
    >     >     Hi,
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     I am running SQLAlchemy 1.1.4 connected to postgreSQL
    9.6 on OSX
    >     >     Sierra 10.12.1. I am experiencing difficulty getting
    >     SQLAlchemy to
    >     >     raise an integrity error when a persistent object is
    >     to a
    >     >     relationship for which it is already associated with.
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     Is the accepted method to manually raise an exception by
    >     testing for
    >     >     existing membership in the collection_class of the
    >     >     before inserting the persistent object into the
    >     I have
    >     >     tested with default list and also setting the
    collection_class to
    >     >     set. Would be grateful if anyone could help with this and
    >     point out
    >     >     where I am going wrong :)
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     I have included details of code and DB structure below.
    >     Currently,
    >     >     duplicate associations are silently ignored, i.e. no INSERT
    >     >     statements generated.
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     Cheers
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     Simon
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     DB Structure
    >     >
    >     >     Assignment —< AssignmentOutcome >— LearningOutcome
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     TABLE KEYS
    >     >
    >     >     Assignment identified by AssignmentID
    >     >
    >     >     LearningOutcome identified by CourseID, UnitID, OutcomeID
    >     >
    >     >     AssignmentOutcome identified by AssignmentID, CourseID,
    >     >     OutcomeID
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     proposed_coursemanagement=> SELECT * FROM assignment
    >     >
    >     >      AssignmentID | CourseID | UnitID | OutcomeID
    >     >
    >     >     --------------+----------+--------+-----------
    >     >
    >     >                 1 |  1014760 |      2 |         1
    >     >
    >     >                 1 |  1014760 |      2 |         2
    >     >
    >     >                 2 |  1014760 |      2 |         1
    >     >
    >     >                 2 |  1014760 |      2 |         3
    >     >
    >     >                 3 |  1014760 |      2 |         2
    >     >
    >     >                 4 |  1014760 |      2 |         3
    >     >
    >     >     (6 rows)
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     TEST SCRIPT PURPOSE: Try appending outcome 1 again to
    >     assignment 1.
    >     >     Should SQLAlchemy raise and exception since this is already
    >     mapped
    >     >     in association table? Current behaviour is that
    duplicate is
    >     >     silently ignored. When I append outcome 4 for assignment
    1 it is
    >     >     mapped to the association table.
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     TEST SCRIPT CODE:
    >     >
    >     >     def usage(argo):
    >     >
    >     >         cmd = os.path.basename(argv[0])
    >     >
    >     >         print('usage: %s <config_uri> [var=value]\n'
    >     >
    >     >               '(example: "%s development.ini")' % (cmd, cmd))
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     def main(argv=sys.argv):
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >         if len(argv) < 2:
    >     >
    >     >             usage(argv)
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >         print ("Initialising SQLAlchemy engine instance and
    >     tables.......")
    >     >
    >     >         config_uri = argv[1]
    >     >
    >     >         options = parse_vars(argv[2:])
    >     >
    >     >         setup_logging(config_uri)
    >     >
    >     >         settings = get_appsettings(config_uri, options=options)
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >         engine = get_engine(settings)
    >     >
    >     >         Base.metadata.create_all(engine)
    >     >
    >     >         session_factory = get_session_factory(engine)
    >     >
    >     >         print ("Completed initialisation.....")
    >     >
    >     >         print ("Starting Test Script...")
    >     >
    >     >         with transaction.manager:
    >     >
    >     >             dbsession = get_tm_session(session_factory,
    >     transaction.manager)
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >             # load into session assignment 1 and learning
    >     1 and 4
    >     >
    >     >             # outcome 1 already exists in the association
    table for
    >     >     assignment 1
    >     >
    >     >             # outcome 4 does not exist yet in the association
    >     table for
    >     >     assignment 1
    >     >
    >     >             assignment =
    >     >
    >     >             outcome_1 =
    >     >     dbsession.query(LearningOutcomeModel).get((1014760, 2, 1))
    >     >
    >     >             outcome_4 =
    >     >     dbsession.query(LearningOutcomeModel).get((1014760, 2, 4))
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >             # add outcome 1 and outcome 4 to assignmentoutcomes
    >     relationship
    >     >
    >     >             assignment.assignmentoutcomes.append(outcome_1)
    >     >
    >     >             assignment.assignmentoutcomes.append(outcome_4)
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >             # inspect and display state for assignment and
    >     objects
    >     >
    >     >             assignmentIns = inspect (assignment)
    >     >
    >     >             outcome1Ins = inspect (outcome_1)
    >     >
    >     >             outcome4Ins = inspect (outcome_4)
    >     >
    >     >             print("assignment object=Transient: {0},
    Pending: {1},
    >     >     Persistent: {2}, Detatched: {3}".format(
    >     >
    >     >                 assignmentIns.transient, assignmentIns.pending,
    >     >     assignmentIns.persistent, assignmentIns.detached))
    >     >
    >     >             print("outcome_1 object=Transient: {0}, Pending:
    >     >     Persistent: {2}, Detatched: {3}".format(
    >     >
    >     >                 outcome1Ins.transient, outcome1Ins.pending,
    >     >     outcome1Ins.persistent, outcome1Ins.detached))
    >     >
    >     >             print("outcome_4 object=Transient: {0}, Pending:
    >     >     Persistent: {2}, Detatched: {3}".format(
    >     >
    >     >                 outcome4Ins.transient, outcome4Ins.pending,
    >     >     outcome4Ins.persistent, outcome4Ins.detached))
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >             # inspect and display session states .dirty,
    .new and
    >     .deleted
    >     >
    >     >             print ("dbsession.dirty={0}, .new={1},
    >     .deleted={2}".format(
    >     >
    >     >                 dbsession.dirty, dbsession.new,
    >     >
    >     >         print ("Test Script complete...")
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     TEST SCRIPT OUTPUT
    >     >
    >     >     assignment object=Transient: False, Pending: False,
    >     >     True, Detatched: False
    >     >
    >     >     outcome_1 object=Transient: False, Pending: False,
    >     True,
    >     >     Detatched: False
    >     >
    >     >     outcome_4 object=Transient: False, Pending: False,
    >     True,
    >     >     Detatched: False
    >     >
    >     >
    dbsession.dirty=IdentitySet([<LearningOutcome('1014760','2', '4',
    >     >     'Unit 2 : Learning Outcome 4')>,
    >     >     '1', 'Understand the components of computer systems')>,
    >     >     <Assignment('1','1014760', '2', '2015-12-10
    >     >     'Assignment 1')>]), .new=IdentitySet([]),
    >     .deleted=IdentitySet([])
    >     >
    >     >     2016-12-06 12:33:10,691 INFO
    >     >     [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1097][MainThread] INSERT
    >     >     proposed_coursemanagement.assignmentoutcome ("CourseID",
    >     "UnitID",
    >     >     "OutcomeID", "AssignmentID") VALUES (%(CourseID)s,
    >     >     %(OutcomeID)s, %(AssignmentID)s)
    >     >
    >     >     2016-12-06 12:33:10,691 INFO
    >     >     [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:1100][MainThread]
    {'OutcomeID': 4,
    >     >     'CourseID': 1014760, 'UnitID': 2, 'AssignmentID': 1}
    >     >
    >     >     2016-12-06 12:33:10,692 INFO
    >     >     [sqlalchemy.engine.base.Engine:686][MainThread] COMMIT
    >     >
    >     >     Test Script complete...
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     proposed_coursemanagement=> SELECT * FROM
    >     >
    >     >      AssignmentID | CourseID | UnitID | OutcomeID
    >     >
    >     >     --------------+----------+--------+-----------
    >     >
    >     >                 1 |  1014760 |      2 |         1 * No
    >     raised
    >     >     - does SQLAlchemy silently ignore?
    >     >
    >     >                 1 |  1014760 |      2 |         2
    >     >
    >     >                 2 |  1014760 |      2 |         1
    >     >
    >     >                 2 |  1014760 |      2 |         3
    >     >
    >     >                 3 |  1014760 |      2 |         2
    >     >
    >     >                 4 |  1014760 |      2 |         3
    >     >
    >     >                 1 |  1014760 |      2 |         4
    >     >
    >     >     (7 rows)
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     MODEL CODE:
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     assignmentoutcomeallocation = Table('assignmentoutcome',
    >     Base.metadata,
    >     >
    >     >         Column('CourseID', BigInteger, primary_key=True),
    >     >
    >     >         Column('UnitID', Integer, primary_key=True),
    >     >
    >     >         Column('OutcomeID', Integer, primary_key=True),
    >     >
    >     >         Column('AssignmentID', BigInteger,
    >     >     ForeignKey('assignment.AssignmentID'), primary_key=True),
    >     >
    >     >         UniqueConstraint('CourseID', 'UnitID', 'OutcomeID',
    >     'AssignmentID'),
    >     >
    >     >         ForeignKeyConstraint(
    >     >
    >     >             ['CourseID', 'UnitID', 'OutcomeID'],
    >     >
    >     >             ['learningoutcome.CourseID',
    >     >     'learningoutcome.OutcomeID']),
    >     >
    >     >     )
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     class AssignmentModel(Base):
    >     >
    >     >         __tablename__ = 'assignment'
    >     >
    >     >         __table_args__ = (
    >     >
    >     >                 ForeignKeyConstraint(['CourseID','UnitID'],
    >     >     ['unit.CourseID', 'unit.UnitID']),
    >     >
    >     >             )
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >         AssignmentID = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True,
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >

    >     >
    >     >         CourseID = Column(BigInteger, nullable=False)
    >     >
    >     >         UnitID = Column(Integer, nullable=False)
    >     >
    >     >         AssignmentSetDate = Column(DateTime(timezone=True),
    >     nullable=False)
    >     >
    >     >         AssignmentSubmissionDate =
    >     >     nullable=False)
    >     >
    >     >         AssignmentResubmissionDate =
    >     >     nullable=False)
    >     >
    >     >         AssignmentTitle = Column(String(200), nullable=False)
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >         indx = Index('assignment_indx', 'CourseID', 'UnitID',
    >     >     text('lower(\"AssignmentTitle\")'), 'AssignmentSetDate')
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >         unit = relationship('UnitModel')
    >     >
    >     >         assignmentcriteria = relationship('UnitCriteriaModel',
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     secondary=assignmentcriteriaallocation,
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     back_populates='criteria_assignments')
    >     >
    >     >         assignmentoutcomes =
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     secondary=assignmentoutcomeallocation,
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     back_populates='outcome_assignments')
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >         def __repr__(self):
    >     >
    >     >             return "<Assignment('%s','%s', '%s', '%s',
    '%s')>" %
    >     >     (self.AssignmentID, self.CourseID, self.UnitID,
    >     >     self.AssignmentSetDate, self.AssignmentTitle)
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >         def __str__(self):
    >     >
    >     >             return "<Assignment('%s','%s', '%s', '%s',
    '%s')>" %
    >     >     (self.AssignmentID, self.CourseID, self.UnitID,
    >     >     self.AssignmentSetDate, self.AssignmentTitle)
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >     class LearningOutcomeModel(Base):
    >     >
    >     >         __tablename__ = 'learningoutcome'
    >     >
    >     >         __table_args__ = (
    >     >
    >     >                 ForeignKeyConstraint(['CourseID','UnitID'],
    >     >     ['unit.CourseID', 'unit.UnitID']),
    >     >
    >     >             )
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >         CourseID = Column(BigInteger, primary_key=True,
    >     nullable=False)
    >     >
    >     >         UnitID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,
    >     >
    >     >         OutcomeID = Column(Integer, primary_key=True,
    >     >
    >     >         LearningOutcome = Column(String(100), nullable=False)
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >         unit = relationship('UnitModel')
    >     >
    >     >         outcome_assignments = relationship (
    >     >
    >     >                 'AssignmentModel',
    >     >
    >     >                 secondary=assignmentoutcomeallocation,
    >     >
    >     >                 back_populates='assignmentoutcomes')
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >         def __repr__(self):
    >     >
    >     >             return "<LearningOutcome('%s','%s', '%s', '%s')>" %
    >     >     (self.CourseID, self.UnitID, self.OutcomeID,
    >     self.LearningOutcome)
    >     >
    >     >
    >     >         def __str__(self):
    >     >
    >     >             return "<LearningOutcome('%s','%s', '%s', '%s')>" %
    >     >     (self.CourseID, self.UnitID, self.OutcomeID,
    >     self.LearningOutcome)
    >     >
    >     >
    >     > --
    >     > SQLAlchemy -
    >     > The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper
    >     >
    >     > http://www.sqlalchemy.org/
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SQLAlchemy - The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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