Hi Mike

Thank you for your quick and thoughtful response as usual!

> so the quick and dirty approach is a flag I'm not enthused about, 
> nevertheless I don't plan on removing, called 
> _enable_transaction_accounting,

Yes I saw this when poking around in the source code - it does seem like a 
bit of a backwards step; I will try and solve my problem without that :)

> The more architectural answer is that the ORM considers these objects to 
> be proxies for state within a database transaction.  

Understood. I guess we are going a bit outside the intended SQLAlchemy 
use-case here.

> You can do this kind of pattern by having the ORM objects represent the 
> GUI state as "detached" objects, then copy the state of those objects 
> into the session using a method like Session.merge.   

I think this is what I will probably end up doing. There's a quite a bit of 
business logic attached to the mapped classes - for example the 'Actions' 
are polymorphic and contain methods that are 'recipes' for generating a 
standard set of steps based on the attributes of the action. 

> The best way would be that the GUI has its own dedicated data structure 
> that is distinct from your ORM model.

Yes, I think you are right here - though the business logic I described 
above makes this a bit troublesome. In the past I have done this sort of 
thing, created a throwaway mapped class and populated it with data so that 
I could make use of its methods.

  A more high-end way of representing this is to create "action" objects 
> which represent things the user does, 

Deluxe indeed.. I'll have a think about that, though it is probably 
overkill for the simple app I am writing.

Every time I do a GUI with SQLAlchemy I try a slightly different approach - 
it is tantalising because each time I think I have cracked the perfect 
pattern but it always ends up being slightly more complicated than I 
thought! I can't come up with any suggestions on how to do it better though.

Keep up the good work - we love SQLAlchemy at my firm. It is directly 
responsible for keeping track of several billion dollars worth of financial 
products and I sleep soundly at night having selected it as a platform :)

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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