> It's possible that if you're using the session in "autocommit" mode and 
> just want to occasionally "broadcast" your object state to a quick 
> "flush everything", that in fact turning off the "accounting" feature 
> with this flag is appropriate.   I'm looking at this code and it really 
> is all about the thing you don't want, that is, anytime the transaction 
> goes away, erasing all the object state because we no longer know the 
> state of the DB. 

Thanks Mike, having read the source some more myself I agree :)

> Trying to recall why I have expire_on_commit=False but there's no 
> expire_on_rollback, it's because after a commit, the only thing that can 
> make the database state change vs. what your objects have are other 
> transactions outside of what you have in front of you.  but with 
> rollback, there could have been any number of insert/update/delete 
> within the last transaction that are gone.  The state of the objects is 
> going to be a combination of data that was loaded from the DB that might 
> have been rolled back, data that was the result of server-side defaults 
> and sequences from INSERT statements that might have been rolled back, 
> and then values that came from the application, but those values are 
> organized onto an object structure that itself might not exist anymore 
> because the transaction was rolled back.  I think the idea is that to 
> really try flushing again, you have to start from zero when the 
> transaction first started and replay everything, otherwise things will 
> not be the same as they were before. 

That make complete sense. I guess the only way to avoid it would be to 
somehow take a snapshot of the state of all of the mapped objects and their 
status in the session when a transaction begins, and restore that after the 
corresponding rollback. I bet that could actually be implemented with some 
event listeners, though I guess that is just a more convoluted way of 
achieving the same thing as _enable_transaction_accounting=False.

Would it make sense, do you think, to allow disabling of transaction 
accounting on a per transaction basis, instead of for the entire session? 
e.g. if I could say session.flush(enable_transaction_accounting=False) to 
disable it for the transaction it creates to do the flushing?

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