I've got a strange relationship on a legacy Oracle 8i database which I need 
to support (whether I like it or not).

The cleanest approach is specifying that the 'primaryjoin' to the 
relationship in the mapper should include an extra join clause.  I hate 
doing this, but after many other approaches, I've found this is by far the 
cleanest approach due to bad database design (which I can't control -- 

Anyway, the attached script shows an simplified, analogous mock-up, which 
works *correctly* when joins are ANSI and *incorrectly* with use_ansi=False.

The script demonstrates an inconsistency in use_ansi True vs. False on 
sqlalchemy version 1.1.14 (although my sqlalchemy is older). 

In the use_ansi=False SQL, the correct "fix" would be changing the rendered:

AND bugs_1.deathdate IS NULL


AND bugs_1.deathdate(+) IS NULL

This then matches the ANSI join and works on 8i (I've tested it).

Is this something we can fix?  Since the column is on the* remote table *and 
*specified in the join condition*, it really needs "(+)" after the column 
name in SQL.  This accomplishes the same thing as the ANSI version placing 
this join condition in the "ON ..." clause instead of the "WHERE".

Alternatively, is there a hack I could use to fix the rendered SQL on 
joinedloads for this particular relationship?

Thanks very much in advance!

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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from sqlalchemy import *
from sqlalchemy.orm import *
from datetime import date

# if use_ansi=True, this script succeeds
# if False, this script fails

use_ansi = False
#use_ansi = True

engine = create_engine('oracle://kent:kent@localhost:1521/xe', use_ansi=use_ansi, echo=True) 

metadata = MetaData(engine)
Session = sessionmaker(bind=engine)

# a rock has many bugs

rocks_table = Table("rocks", metadata,
    Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),

bugs_table = Table("bugs", metadata,
    Column("id", Integer, primary_key=True),
    Column("rockid", Integer, ForeignKey('rocks.id')),
    Column("deathdate", Date),

class Rock(object):
class Bug(object):
mapper(Rock, rocks_table, 
        'livingbugs': relationship(Bug,
                bugs_table.c.rockid == rocks_table.c.id,
                bugs_table.c.deathdate == None,

mapper(Bug, bugs_table)

    s = Session()

    r.id = 55
    b.id = 1
    b.rockid = 55
    b.deathdate = date.today()


    s = Session()

    rocks = s.query(Rock).options(joinedload('livingbugs')).all()
    if not rocks:
        # When not using ANSI, if 
        #     AND bugs_1.deathdate IS NULL
        # is changed to:
        #     AND bugs_1.deathdate(+) IS NULL
        # then the join is consistent with ANSI join and doesn't fail
        raise Exception("Rock not selected")


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