I'm wondering if this is part of the secret sauce:
Also I guess cross-join may be another join type. 
JOIN is INNER by default..

On Friday, 9 February 2018 16:03:03 UTC, Jeremy Flowers wrote:
> I've got a domain model out of sqlacodegen.
> I need to do a SQL a join between two tables, with no inferred 
> foreign-keys in the database I'm working on.
> Consequently there isn't a relationship defined for the specific columns I 
> need to join
> 1) I need a INNER JOIN for the first.
> 2) But later I need multiple LEFT JOINs on other tables, I've not yet 
> introduced to the code..
> (1) How would I go about doing the INNER JOIN first?: (What is the 
> default? left, inner etc?)
> print(session.query(Jobmst.jobmst_type,
>                     Jobmst.jobmst_name,
>                     Jobmst.jobmst_prntname,
>                     Jobmst.jobmst_prntid,
>                     Jobmst.jobmst_evntoffset,
>                     Jobmst.evntmst_id,
>                     Jobdtl.jobdtl_proxy,
>                     Jobdtl.jobdtl_proxy2,
>                     Jobdtl.jobdtl_inhagent,
>                     Jobdtl.jobdtl_inhevent,
>                     Jobdtl.jobdtl_cmd,
>                     Jobdtl.jobdtl_params,
>                     Jobdtl.jobdtl_fromtm,
>                     Jobdtl.jobdtl_untiltm,
>                     Jobdtl.jobdtl_timewin,
>                     Jobdtl.jobdtl_interval,
>                     Jobdtl.jobdtl_intervalcnt
>                    ).join(Jobdtl, Jobmst.jobmst_id==Jobdtl.jobdtl_id,)
>                     .first())
> Why doesn't join have another parameter where I can say, 'inner', 'left', 
> etc?
> Per the join types listed here:
> https://www.w3schools.com/sql/sql_join.asp
> I've seen stuff here
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/query.html#sqlalchemy.orm.query.Query.join.params.isouter
> And here...
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/loading_relationships.html#sqlalchemy.orm.joinedload
> But if I understand it correctly I'd need a relationship defined for 
> joinedload.
> Can someone advise. Thanks

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