I'm using the PrettyPrinted tutorial on Many to Many relationships with 
Flask-SQLAlchemy however what I'm trying to figure out he doesn't go into 
in the tutorial and I haven't had much luck in _Essential SQLAlchemy_ or 
StackOverflow finding a solution.

So for his example he has two main tables, Channel and User, and then a 
relationship table to create the many to many relationship.  

What I'm trying to do is to use an outerjoin (or whatever would work for 
this solution in SQLAlchemy's ORM) to retrieve a list of all of the entries 
in Channel but filter it so if a certain user id is 'subscribed' (has a 
relationship in the relationship table) then it will return that ID as 
well, or a calculated column/alias (however is best in SQLAlchemy's ORM and 
most Pythonic).

At the moment the only way I'm able to accomplish this requires two 
queries, one for all channels, and one for all the channels that the 
particular user is subscribed to.  Then combining them with a 
comprehension.  While the comprehension is Pythonic the double querying 
seems like a bad practice, and also not very Pythonic. 

I'm using MySQL for the database if that helps, but I'm guessing whatever 
the solution is it will be agnostic to the database due to the ORM?

Here is the video: https://youtu.be/OvhoYbjtiKc

So the DB has a Channel table, with an ID and Name, a User table with ID 
and Name, and a 'subs' table (subscriptions) to manage the relationships 
that has a foreign key for the ID in each of the other two tables.  

I've tried several methods using the outerjoin() from SQLAlchemy but it 
doesn't seem to limit it in the way I'm trying.

Here is the join that I've had the most luck with (but again, doesn't limit 
it, it just returns all the channels, then in each channel if you look at 
the User relationships you just see ALL the users subsribed to that 
channel, not just the one I try to search for).  Below that is the code for 
the tables:

chan_query = Channel.query.outerjoin(User, User.user_id==1).all()

which returns all the rows in Channel (desired) but nothing to indicate if 
the selected user is subscribed to the particular row/Channel, just a list 
of ALL the users identified with that row, same for each of them.

Code for the tables:

subs = db.Table('subs',
    db.Column('user_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('user.user_id')),
    db.Column('channel_id', db.Integer, db.ForeignKey('channel.channel_id'))

class User(db.Model):
    user_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    name = db.Column(db.String(20))
    subscriptions = db.relationship('Channel', secondary=subs, 
backref=db.backref('subscribers', lazy='dynamic'))

class Channel(db.Model):
    channel_id = db.Column(db.Integer, primary_key=True)
    channel_name = db.Column(db.String(20))

Any help is greatly appreciated, feel like I'm just stuck on this and don't 
even know how to search to find the solution :(


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