On Thu, Jun 7, 2018 at 8:01 PM, HP3 <henddher.pedr...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Hello
> Having difficulty with CTE and @hybrid_property.expression on a adjacency
> list model.
> class P2B(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'p2bases'
>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True)
>     classname = Column(String)
>     parent_id = Column(
>         Integer,
>         ForeignKey('p2bases.id', ondelete='CASCADE'),
>         index=True
>     )
>     parent = relationship(
>         'P2B',
>         primaryjoin='P2B.parent_id == P2B.id',
>         foreign_keys='P2B.id',
>         uselist=False
>     )
>     __mapper_args__ = {
>         'polymorphic_identity': 'P2B',
>         'polymorphic_on': classname
>     }
>     @hybrid_property
>     def ancestors(self):
>         _ancestors = []
>         parent = self.parent
>         while parent is not None:
>             _ancestors.append(parent)
>             parent = parent.parent
>         return _ancestors
>     @ancestors.expression
>     def ancestors(cls):
>          cte = select([P2B.id, P2B.parent_id]) \
>              .where(P2B.id == cls.id) \ # <<<<<< Based on Example1
>              .cte(name='cte', recursive=True)
>          cte = cte.union(
>              select([P2B.id, P2B.parent_id])
>                  .where(P2B.id == cte.c.parent_id)
>          )
>          return cte
> The issue I am facing is that the SQL statement for ancestors expression
> becomes this
> WITH RECURSIVE cte(id, parent_id) AS
> (SELECT p2bases.id AS id, p2bases.parent_id AS parent_id
> FROM p2bases
> WHERE p2bases.id = p2bases.id UNION SELECT p2bases.id AS id,
> p2bases.parent_id AS parent_id
> FROM p2bases, cte
> WHERE p2bases.id = cte.parent_id)
> SELECT p2bases.id AS p2bases_id, p2bases.classname AS p2bases_classname,
> p2bases.position AS p2bases_position, p2bases.parent_id AS
> p2bases_parent_id,
> cte.id AS cte_id, cte.parent_id AS cte_parent_id
> FROM p2bases, cte
> WHERE p2bases.id = %(id_1)s
> {'id_1': 1}
> Notice that `P2B.id == cls.id` in the cte becomes `p2bases.id = p2bases.id`.
> What am I missing in my @hypbrid_property.expression declaration?

> How do I use my ancestors @hybrid_property.expression using
> session.query(...)?
>         ancestors = session.query(P2B.ancestors).get(a_child_id)

the "get()" method on Query is only intended to fetch an entity, e.g.
sess.query(P2b).get(id).   If you are trying to query a core
selectable, which is the case here, you'd want to do a filter() for
what you need then invoke all() or first():
sess.query(cte).filter(cte.c.id == x).first().

I would suggest working iteratively without the hybrid part first.

if you can provide a full MCVE with what you are trying and what you
expect the SQL to be I can possibly help with that.

> Example1:
> http://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/extensions/hybrid.html#correlated-subquery-relationship-hybrid
> --
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