I’d like to pick up this topic once more briefly.

Suppose I get the “new”, “dirty”, and “deleted” sets as per discussion 
below, and I’m especially interested in the “dirty” set: is there a way to 
find out which properties of an object were modified, or only that the 
object was modified?


On Wednesday, November 22, 2017 at 9:46:54 AM UTC+10, jens.t...@gmail.com 
> Thank you, the event worked like a charm :-) Though I think that I don't 
> need the commit events, because the application terminates anyway.
> I modified your approach to gather which objects were flushed so that in 
> the end I can give the user more precise information:
>         dbsession.info["new"] = set()                                    
>         dbsession.info["dirty"] = set()                                  
>         dbsession.info["deleted"] = set()                                
>         def update_session_info(session):                                  
>             new = session.info["new"]                                    
>             new |= set(session.new)                                        
>             dirty = session.info["dirty"]                                
>             dirty |= set(session.dirty)                                    
>             deleted = session.info["deleted"]                            
>             deleted |= set(session.deleted)                                
>             return new, dirty, deleted                                    
>         @event.listens_for(dbsession, "before_flush")                      
>         def on_before_flush(session, _, _):                                
>             update_session_info(session)
>         ...
>         code.interact(local=locals())                                      
>         ...
>         new, dirty, deleted = update_session_info(dbsession)              
>         if new or dirty or deleted:                                        
>             if new:                                                        
>                 print("The following objects were created: ", new)        
>             if dirty:                                                      
>                 print("The following objects were modified: ", dirty)      
>             if deleted:                                                    
>                 print("The following objects were deleted: ", deleted)    
>             yesno = input("Would you like to commit this transaction? 
> [y/N] ")                     
>             if yesno == "y":                                              
>                 print("Committing transaction...")                        
>             else:                                                          
>                 print("Rolling back transaction...")                      
>                 raise _SessionRollbackException()                          
>         # ...this is where the context closes and the transaction commits 
> and the dbsession ends.
> Cheers,
> Jens
> On Saturday, November 18, 2017 at 12:03:05 AM UTC+10, Simon King wrote:
>> OK, I think tracking session events seems reasonable. You could do 
>> something like this (completely untested): 
>> from sqalchemy.event import event 
>> @event.listens_for(YourSessionOrSessionMaker, 'before_flush') 
>> def on_before_flush(session, flush_context, instances): 
>>     session.info['flushed'] = True 
>> # You'd probably also want to reset the 'flushed' flag 
>> # after a commit or rollback 
>> @event.listens_for(YourSessionOrSessionMaker, 'after_commit') 
>> @event.listens_for(YourSessionOrSessionMaker, 'after_rollback') 
>> def on_session_reset(session): 
>>     session.info['flushed'] = False 
>> # when user exits interactive session: 
>> modified = ( 
>>     session.info.get('flushed', False) 
>>     or session.deleted 
>>     or session.new 
>>     or session.dirty 
>> ) 
>> if modified: 
>>     raw_input('do you want to commit?') 
>> ...but note that if you ever execute raw SQL (ie. 
>> session.execute('UPDATE x WHERE y')), that will not be noticed by 
>> those events. 
>> Hope that helps, 
>> Simon 

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