My 2c about table design (not SQLA): I would suggest having a child with 
just id, a parent table with just id and child_id (foreign key to, and then store additional "versioned" data in separate 
parent_history and child_history tables that have foreign keys only to 
their respective parent and child tables. If using Postgresql, each of 
parent_history and child_history would have an id (pointing back to or, respectively) and a tsrange, and an EXCLUDE USING 
gist (id WITH =, range WITH &&) constraint 

On Wednesday, December 5, 2018 at 12:07:01 PM UTC-5, Stanislav Lobanov 
> I'm very sorry but I absolutely forgot to mention a problem with primary 
> keys.
> As i said, all objects in the database have id, start and end primary keys.
> CREATE TABLE parent (
> data VARCHAR, 
> child_id INTEGER, 
> PRIMARY KEY (id, start, end)
> )
> CREATE TABLE child (
> data VARCHAR, 
> PRIMARY KEY (id, start, end)
> )
> Using single table versioning pattern i'm stuck with relationship 
> definition:
> 1. Relation always should relate to only "current" rows
> 2. Relation is represented as a single scalar column (child_id in this 
> example), without extra start and end foreign key columns.
> This is my models:
> class Parent(Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'parent'
>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
>     start = Column(DateTime, primary_key=True)
>     end = Column(DateTime, primary_key=True)
>     data = Column(String)
>     child_n = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('child.n'))
>     child = relationship("Child", backref=backref('parent', uselist=False))
> class Child(Versioned, Base):
>     __tablename__ = 'child'
>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
>     start = Column(DateTime, primary_key=True)
>     end = Column(DateTime, primary_key=True)
>     data = Column(String)
> Of course this models definition gives me various errors about primary and 
> foreign keys, because foreign key must consist of (id, start, end).
> But, as i said, we consider that relation always targets to current rows 
> only. We are avoiding cascade re-assigning of changed children to parents.
> "primaryjoin" can be used for that:
> relation(..., primaryjoin="and_(, 
>, Child.end))"
> Something like that. I tried that approach and it did not work for me 
> (maybe i did not configured mappers or relations correctly — i was able to 
> read, but not write.)
> So, the point is that i do not know how to make it work in a way that:
> 1. when reading, relation is joined on between start and end
> 2. when writing to this relation new version of child is created with new 
> start and end, *preserving id.*
> Let me show data in the tables to explain myself better:
> Parent
> id  |  start         | end         | data    | child_id
> 1   |  2018-01-01    | 2018-01-11  | c1      | 1           # -> this 
> should reference to child with id=1 and between start and end
> Child
> id  |  start         | end         | data       |
> 1   |  2018-01-01    | 2018-01-02  | child 1    |
> 1   |  2018-01-02    | 2018-01-11  | child 1.1  | # -> this row considered 
> current if is 2018-01-05 for example
> I want to avoid declaring complex code/join conditions, that is why i 
> thought about using views or dual-tables-versioning.
> среда, 5 декабря 2018 г., 18:13:11 UTC+3 пользователь Mike Bayer написал:
>> On Wed, Dec 5, 2018 at 2:42 AM Stanislav Lobanov <> 
>> wrote: 
>> > 
>> > First of all, thank you for such a detailed answer. Thank you for 
>> sharing your experience and continued support. 
>> > 
>> > Now i understand that using database views is not the best approach. In 
>> the previous project we used an approach with Query objects that were using 
>> WHERE statements to filter needed objects and it worked well. 
>> > 
>> > The problem i want to workaround is that using primary key of (id, 
>> start, end) prevents me from using (lazy loaded) relations out of the box. 
>> > 
>> > Using examples from official sqlalchemy documentation, please think of 
>> Parent and Child as a related business entities: 
>> > 
>> > class Parent(Base): 
>> >     __tablename__ = 'parent' 
>> >     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) 
>> >     child_id = Column(Integer, ForeignKey('')) 
>> >     child = relationship("Child", back_populates="parents") 
>> > 
>> > class Child(Base): 
>> >     __tablename__ = 'child' 
>> >     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True) 
>> >     parents = relationship("Parent", back_populates="child") 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > There are object relational impedance mismatch: one Parent business 
>> entity can have two Childs. Three business objects. But the database can 
>> have multiple versions of parent or any of children via compound primary 
>> key of (id, start, end) where start and end is a date range. 
>> OK so just to confirm the first assumption, in your code you only want 
>> to see one Child at a time, that is parent.child is scalar and has 
>> just one date range, right? 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > My problem is that Children with pk (1, 2018-01-01, 2018-01-02) and (1, 
>> 2018-01-02, 2018-01-03) is in fact one business entity represented as two 
>> model instances in sqlalchemy, so i can non figure out how can i force 
>> relationships between "current" objects to work. 
>> > 
>> > I tried to specify additional conditions on relationships and it worked 
>> for read operations, but failed for write operations. 
>> With the filtered approach, whether you do it in a view or in the 
>> query, there's just one parent.child object, you just write to it.  if 
>> you're talking about the process by which when you write to 
>> parent.child, a new row in the DB replaces it and the row you just saw 
>> goes into "history" , we have a lot of examples of how to do that too 
>> as I had another job for a long time *after* the previous job where we 
>> did everything that way :).   Otherwise please be more specific what 
>> "failed for write operations" means. 
>> > 
>> > So i thought i can overcome this situation by using database views and 
>> force sqlalchemy to think that there is only one "current" object at a 
>> time, also for relationships. 
>> > 
>> > Can you give me advice of how to configure sqlalchemy the right way for 
>> this situation? 
>> > 
>> > Is it good idea to use second versioning example, where two tables 
>> created per object (primary and historical table)? 
>> the tradeoffs with single versioned table vs. table plus historical 
>> have to do with how you want to query the data.    when you use a 
>> single table, you have the advantage that you can change the date 
>> range you are injecting into the WHERE clause and you can then load up 
>> a full model in Python that represents a historical snapshot.   OTOH 
>> if you just need the "historical" data for an occasional "archive" 
>> view then it may be more convenient to dump changes into a separate 
>> table, and here in Openstack I argue they shouldn't even be doing 
>> that, just dump archive stuff to a file (because we never use our 
>> historical data and it fills up databases with useless crap).   in any 
>> case, if you want to really be thorough, you can disable UPDATE 
>> statements on the table in question either through grants or triggers, 
>> since you want to only be doing INSERTs to the table. 
>> > 
>> > P.S.: sorry for my bad english, it is not on my tongue. 
>> > 
>> > вторник, 4 декабря 2018 г., 15:36:42 UTC+3 пользователь Stanislav 
>> Lobanov написал: 
>> >> 
>> >> Hello. 
>> >> 
>> >> I have a table with schema: 
>> >> 
>> >> name: users 
>> >> fields:  id int, name text, start datetime, end datetime 
>> >> primary key: id, start, end 
>> >> 
>> >> This is kind of a historical table, where each row defines separate 
>> "historical version" of an object. There are a single business User entity 
>> (model) with possibly many historical versions. 
>> >> 
>> >> Such table structure makes it very hard to define relationships and 
>> work with related objects. Also it is hard to work with "current" version 
>> of User entity, because to retreive it we need to query it with "now() 
>> between start and end" constraint. 
>> >> 
>> >> So i thought that maybe i can create a view for that table that will 
>> hold only current versions and map that view onto User entity to hide all 
>> historical complexities and compound PK from sqlalchemy. 
>> >> 
>> >> The question: is it possible to implement a mapping that will read 
>> from view but write into real table? 
>> >> 
>> >> For example, view can have fields id (pk) and name. 
>> >> 
>> >> I know that there are great examples of versioning with sqlalchemy but 
>> i want to hide non-functional implementation details from my business 
>> code/entities with view. 
>> >> 
>> >> Thanks! 
>> > 
>> > -- 
>> > SQLAlchemy - 
>> > The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > 
>> > To post example code, please provide an MCVE: Minimal, Complete, and 
>> Verifiable Example. See for a full 
>> description. 
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