Hello, i have one more question:

there is a Child definition:

class Child(VersionedStartEnd, Base):
    __tablename__ = "child"

    id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True)
    start = Column(DateTime, primary_key=True)
    end = Column(DateTime, primary_key=True)
    data = Column(String)

    def __repr__(self):
        return f"<Child {self.data}>"

    def new_version(self, session):

        # expire parent's reference to us
        session.expire(self.parent, ["child"])

        # create new version
        VersionedStartEnd.new_version(self, session)

        # re-add ourselves to the parent
        self.parent.child = self

Can you clarify why we need to extend new_version method in child? I have 
commented this code out and it seems that all tests pass. I understand that 
on expiring "child" backref children will be fetched again (refreshed from 
database), but it seems that it happens so anyway after session.commit, 
because commit() expires objects in session.

пятница, 7 декабря 2018 г., 17:59:58 UTC+3 пользователь Mike Bayer написал:
> I'm going to add this to the examples at 
> https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/orm/examples.html#module-examples.versioned_rows
> since it has this new twist of doing both UPDATE and INSERT, if that's 
> OK with you 
> On Fri, Dec 7, 2018 at 1:20 AM Stanislav Lobanov <n101...@gmail.com 
> <javascript:>> wrote: 
> > 
> > Thank you so much, Mike! 
> > 
> > Did not tried it yet, but it looks like you nailed it :) I'll check the 
> sources on holidays. 
> > 
> > With the deepest respect, 
> > Stanislav. 
> > 
> > четверг, 6 декабря 2018 г., 22:41:20 UTC+3 пользователь Mike Bayer 
> написал: 
> >> 
> >> given that it looks like a new version for you means an UPDATE of the 
> >> old row and an INSERT of the new, here is that, which is again 
> >> basically what we see at 
> >> 
> https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/latest/_modules/examples/versioned_rows/versioned_rows.html
> >> with some extra steps to emit the UPDATE for the old row.     this 
> >> recipe combines both the versioned event handler and the query 
> >> handler. 
> >> 
> >> from sqlalchemy import ( 
> >>     create_engine, Integer, String, event, ForeignKey, Column, 
> DateTime, 
> >>     inspect, func, select, cast 
> >> ) 
> >> from sqlalchemy.orm import ( 
> >>     make_transient, Session, relationship, attributes, backref, 
> >>     make_transient_to_detached, Query, selectinload 
> >> ) 
> >> from sqlalchemy.ext.declarative import declarative_base 
> >> import datetime 
> >> import time 
> >> 
> >> Base = declarative_base() 
> >> 
> >> # this will be the current time as the test runs 
> >> now = None 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> class VersionedStartEnd(object): 
> >>     def __init__(self, **kw): 
> >>         # reduce some verbosity when we make a new object 
> >>         kw.setdefault("start", now - datetime.timedelta(days=3)) 
> >>         kw.setdefault("end", now + datetime.timedelta(days=3)) 
> >>         super(VersionedStartEnd, self).__init__(**kw) 
> >> 
> >>     def new_version(self, session): 
> >> 
> >>         # our current identity key, which will be used on the "old" 
> >>         # version of us to emit an UPDATE. this is just for assertion 
> purposes 
> >>         old_identity_key = inspect(self).key 
> >> 
> >>         # make sure self.start / self.end are not expired 
> >>         self.id, self.start, self.end 
> >> 
> >>         # turn us into an INSERT 
> >>         make_transient(self) 
> >> 
> >>         # make the "old" version of us, which we will turn into an 
> >>         # UPDATE 
> >>         old_copy_of_us = self.__class__( 
> >>             id=self.id, start=self.start, end=self.end) 
> >> 
> >>         # turn old_copy_of_us into an UPDATE 
> >>         make_transient_to_detached(old_copy_of_us) 
> >> 
> >>         # the "old" object has our old identity key (that we no longer 
> have) 
> >>         assert inspect(old_copy_of_us).key == old_identity_key 
> >> 
> >>         # now put it back in the session 
> >>         session.add(old_copy_of_us) 
> >> 
> >>         # now update the 'end' - SQLAlchemy sees this as a PK switch 
> >>         old_copy_of_us.end = now 
> >> 
> >>         # fun fact!  the new_version() routine is *not* called for 
> >>         # old_copy_of_us!  because we are already in the before_flush() 
> hook! 
> >>         # this surprised even me.   I was thinking we had to guard 
> against 
> >>         # it.  Still might be a good idea to do so. 
> >> 
> >>         self.start = now 
> >>         self.end = now + datetime.timedelta(days=2) 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> @event.listens_for(Session, "before_flush") 
> >> def before_flush(session, flush_context, instances): 
> >>     for instance in session.dirty: 
> >>         if not isinstance(instance, VersionedStartEnd): 
> >>             continue 
> >>         if not session.is_modified(instance, passive=True): 
> >>             continue 
> >> 
> >>         if not attributes.instance_state(instance).has_identity: 
> >>             continue 
> >> 
> >>         # make it transient 
> >>         instance.new_version(session) 
> >>         # re-add 
> >>         session.add(instance) 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> @event.listens_for(Query, "before_compile", retval=True) 
> >> def before_compile(query): 
> >>     """ensure all queries for VersionedStartEnd include criteria """ 
> >> 
> >>     for ent in query.column_descriptions: 
> >>         entity = ent['entity'] 
> >>         if entity is None: 
> >>             continue 
> >>         insp = inspect(ent['entity']) 
> >>         mapper = getattr(insp, 'mapper', None) 
> >>         if mapper and issubclass(mapper.class_, VersionedStartEnd): 
> >>             query = query.enable_assertions(False).filter( 
> >>                 func.now().between(ent['entity'].start, 
> ent['entity'].end) 
> >>             ) 
> >> 
> >>     return query 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> class Parent(VersionedStartEnd, Base): 
> >>     __tablename__ = 'parent' 
> >>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) 
> >>     start = Column(DateTime, primary_key=True) 
> >>     end = Column(DateTime, primary_key=True) 
> >>     data = Column(String) 
> >> 
> >>     child_n = Column(Integer) 
> >> 
> >>     child = relationship( 
> >>         "Child", 
> >>         primaryjoin=( 
> >>             "Child.id == foreign(Parent.child_n)" 
> >>         ), 
> >> 
> >>         # note the primaryjoin can also be: 
> >>         # 
> >>         #  "and_(Child.id == foreign(Parent.child_n), " 
> >>         #  "func.now().between(Child.start, Child.end))" 
> >>         # 
> >>         # however the before_compile() above will take care of this for 
> us in 
> >>         # all cases except for joinedload.  You *can* use the above 
> primaryjoin 
> >>         # as well, it just means the criteria will be present twice for 
> most 
> >>         # parent->child load operations 
> >>         # 
> >> 
> >>         uselist=False, 
> >>         backref=backref('parent', uselist=False) 
> >>     ) 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> class Child(VersionedStartEnd, Base): 
> >>     __tablename__ = 'child' 
> >> 
> >>     id = Column(Integer, primary_key=True, autoincrement=True) 
> >>     start = Column(DateTime, primary_key=True) 
> >>     end = Column(DateTime, primary_key=True) 
> >>     data = Column(String) 
> >> 
> >>     def new_version(self, session): 
> >> 
> >>         # expire parent's reference to us 
> >>         session.expire(self.parent, ['child']) 
> >> 
> >>         # create new version 
> >>         VersionedStartEnd.new_version(self, session) 
> >> 
> >>         # re-add ourselves to the parent 
> >>         self.parent.child = self 
> >> 
> >> times = [] 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> def time_passes(s): 
> >>     """keep track of timestamps in terms of the database and allow time 
> to 
> >>     pass between steps.""" 
> >> 
> >>     # close the transaction, if any, since PG time doesn't increment in 
> the 
> >>     # transaction 
> >>     s.commit() 
> >> 
> >>     # get "now" in terms of the DB so we can keep the ranges low and 
> >>     # still have our assertions pass 
> >>     if times: 
> >>         time.sleep(1) 
> >>     times.append(s.scalar(select([cast(func.now(), DateTime)]))) 
> >>     if len(times) > 1: 
> >>         assert times[-1] > times[-2] 
> >>     return times[-1] 
> >> 
> >> e = create_engine("postgresql://scott:tiger@localhost/test", 
> echo='debug') 
> >> Base.metadata.drop_all(e) 
> >> Base.metadata.create_all(e) 
> >> 
> >> s = Session(e) 
> >> 
> >> now = time_passes(s) 
> >> 
> >> c1 = Child(data='child 1') 
> >> p1 = Parent(data='c1', child=c1) 
> >> 
> >> s.add(p1) 
> >> s.commit() 
> >> 
> >> # assert raw DB data 
> >> assert s.query(Parent.__table__).all() == [ 
> >>     (1, 
> >>      times[0] - datetime.timedelta(days=3), 
> >>      times[0] + datetime.timedelta(days=3), 
> >>      'c1', 1) 
> >> ] 
> >> assert s.query(Child.__table__).all() == [ 
> >>     (1, 
> >>      times[0] - datetime.timedelta(days=3), 
> >>      times[0] + datetime.timedelta(days=3), 
> >>      'child 1') 
> >> ] 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> now = time_passes(s) 
> >> 
> >> p1_check = s.query(Parent).first() 
> >> assert p1_check is p1 
> >> assert p1_check.child is c1 
> >> 
> >> p1.child.data = 'elvis presley' 
> >> 
> >> s.commit() 
> >> 
> >> p2_check = s.query(Parent).first() 
> >> assert p2_check is p1_check 
> >> c2_check = p2_check.child 
> >> 
> >> # same object 
> >> assert p2_check.child is c1 
> >> 
> >> # new data 
> >> assert c1.data == 'elvis presley' 
> >> 
> >> # new end time 
> >> assert c1.end == now + datetime.timedelta(days=2) 
> >> 
> >> # assert raw DB data 
> >> assert s.query(Parent.__table__).all() == [ 
> >>     (1, 
> >>      times[0] - datetime.timedelta(days=3), 
> >>      times[0] + datetime.timedelta(days=3), 
> >>      'c1', 1) 
> >> ] 
> >> assert s.query(Child.__table__).order_by(Child.end).all() == [ 
> >>     (1, 
> >>      times[0] - datetime.timedelta(days=3), 
> >>      times[1], 
> >>      'child 1'), 
> >>     (1, 
> >>      times[1], 
> >>      times[1] + datetime.timedelta(days=2), 
> >>      'elvis presley') 
> >> ] 
> >> 
> >> now = time_passes(s) 
> >> 
> >> p1.data = 'c2 elvis presley' 
> >> 
> >> s.commit() 
> >> 
> >> # assert raw DB data.  now there are two parent rows. 
> >> assert s.query(Parent.__table__).order_by(Parent.end).all() == [ 
> >>     (1, 
> >>      times[0] - datetime.timedelta(days=3), 
> >>      times[2], 
> >>      'c1', 1), 
> >>     (1, 
> >>      times[2], 
> >>      times[2] + datetime.timedelta(days=2), 
> >>      'c2 elvis presley', 1) 
> >> ] 
> >> assert s.query(Child.__table__).order_by(Child.end).all() == [ 
> >>     (1, 
> >>      times[0] - datetime.timedelta(days=3), 
> >>      times[1], 
> >>      'child 1'), 
> >>     (1, 
> >>      times[1], 
> >>      times[1] + datetime.timedelta(days=2), 
> >>      'elvis presley') 
> >> ] 
> >> 
> >> # add some more rows to test that these aren't coming back for 
> >> # queries 
> >> s.add(Parent(data='unrelated', child=Child(data='unrelated'))) 
> >> s.commit() 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> # Query only knows about one parent for id=1 
> >> p3_check = s.query(Parent).filter_by(id=1).one() 
> >> 
> >> assert p3_check is p1 
> >> assert p3_check.child is c1 
> >> 
> >> # and one child. 
> >> c3_check = s.query(Child).filter(Child.parent == p3_check).one() 
> >> assert c3_check is c1 
> >> 
> >> # one child one parent.... 
> >> c3_check = s.query(Child).join(Parent.child).filter( 
> >>     Parent.id == p3_check.id).one() 
> >> 
> >> # try selectinload eager loading across multiple parents 
> >> for parent in s.query(Parent).options(selectinload(Parent.child)): 
> >>     if parent.data == 'unrelated': 
> >>         assert parent.child.data == 'unrelated' 
> >>     elif parent.data == 'c2 elvis presley': 
> >>         assert parent.child.data == 'elvis presley' 
> >>     else: 
> >>         assert False 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> 
> >> On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 1:40 PM Mike Bayer <mik...@zzzcomputing.com> 
> wrote: 
> >> > 
> >> > On Thu, Dec 6, 2018 at 3:53 AM Stanislav Lobanov <n101...@gmail.com> 
> wrote: 
> >> > > 
> >> > > Example business case is: 
> >> > > 
> >> > > Parent and child are added to the system (current date is 
> 2018-01-01) 
> >> > > 
> >> > > Parent 
> >> > > id  |  start         | end         | data    | child_id 
> >> > > 1   |  2018-01-01    | 2018-01-11  | c1      | 1           # just 
> pointer to child with some id (now points to first child record) 
> >> > > 
> >> > > Child 
> >> > > id  |  start         | end         | data       | 
> >> > > 1   |  2018-01-01    | 2018-01-11  | Elvis P.   | # this is current 
> version 
> >> > > 
> >> > > Then on 2018-01-02 children's name is changed from "Elvis P." to 
> "Elvis Presley". That change creates second version of child with ID=1: 
> >> > > 
> >> > > Parent 
> >> > > id  |  start         | end         | data    | child_id 
> >> > > 1   |  2018-01-01    | 2018-01-11  | c1      | 1           # just 
> pointer to child with some id (now logically points to second child 
> version) 
> >> > > 
> >> > > Child  # please notice that id is not changed as this is same child 
> >> > > id  |  start         | end         | data           | 
> >> > > 1   |  2018-01-01    | 2018-01-02  | Elvis P.       | # this is not 
> current (latest) version anymore 
> >> > > 1   |  2018-01-02    | 2018-01-11  | Elvis Presley  | # but this is 
> >> > > 
> >> > > 
> >> > > See? Parent does not care about what changes were made to child, it 
> is just cares to relate to the latest version of child, so there are no 
> composite foreign key to child table (this restriction comes from legacy 
> system and i can not add "child_start" and "child_end" columns to form full 
> composite FK to child table). 
> >> > > 
> >> > > When child is updated (effectively UPDATE is converted to INSERT) 
> then only child table is modified, so there are no cascades to parent, 
> because parent just targets to the row where Child.id == 1. 
> >> > 
> >> > from the data above, this is not strictly the case.  the row with 
> >> > "Elvis P.", the "end" date has been UPDATED from 2018-01-11 to 
> >> > 2018-01-02.  is that correct?  So you need an UPDATE *and* an INSERT. 
> >> >  Am seeing if I can make that happen. 
> >> > 
> >> > 
> >> > > 
> >> > > And this is my problem, because i do not know to to make such 
> "implicit" relationships in sqlalchemy. By implicit i mean a situation when 
> relation is made by child.id AND latest date range for related object. 
> >> > > 
> >> > > Currently we would be using following query to retreive information 
> about parent and it's child (in it's latest state): 
> >> > > 
> >> > > select * from parent, child 
> >> > > where parent.child_id=child.id 
> >> > > and now() between parent.start and parent.end -- gives us latest 
> parent state 
> >> > > and now() between child.start and child.end -- gives us latest 
> child state 
> >> > > 
> >> > > As you can see such a queries is hard to write, it is repetitive 
> and error prone. 
> >> > > 
> >> > > Also, i'm using versioned approach in one of the projects (using 
> your example). Everything related to data consistency, data integrity, data 
> querying must be done by hands, because i did not found a way to provide 
> cascades and correct relationship behaviour without full composite FK. 
> >> > > 
> >> > > Thanks! 
> >> > > 
> >> > > 
> >> > > вторник, 4 декабря 2018 г., 15:36:42 UTC+3 пользователь Stanislav 
> Lobanov написал: 
> >> > >> 
> >> > >> Hello. 
> >> > >> 
> >> > >> I have a table with schema: 
> >> > >> 
> >> > >> name: users 
> >> > >> fields:  id int, name text, start datetime, end datetime 
> >> > >> primary key: id, start, end 
> >> > >> 
> >> > >> This is kind of a historical table, where each row defines 
> separate "historical version" of an object. There are a single business 
> User entity (model) with possibly many historical versions. 
> >> > >> 
> >> > >> Such table structure makes it very hard to define relationships 
> and work with related objects. Also it is hard to work with "current" 
> version of User entity, because to retreive it we need to query it with 
> "now() between start and end" constraint. 
> >> > >> 
> >> > >> So i thought that maybe i can create a view for that table that 
> will hold only current versions and map that view onto User entity to hide 
> all historical complexities and compound PK from sqlalchemy. 
> >> > >> 
> >> > >> The question: is it possible to implement a mapping that will read 
> from view but write into real table? 
> >> > >> 
> >> > >> For example, view can have fields id (pk) and name. 
> >> > >> 
> >> > >> I know that there are great examples of versioning with sqlalchemy 
> but i want to hide non-functional implementation details from my business 
> code/entities with view. 
> >> > >> 
> >> > >> Thanks! 
> >> > > 
> >> > > -- 
> >> > > SQLAlchemy - 
> >> > > The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 
> >> > > 
> >> > > http://www.sqlalchemy.org/ 
> >> > > 
> >> > > To post example code, please provide an MCVE: Minimal, Complete, 
> and Verifiable Example. See http://stackoverflow.com/help/mcve for a full 
> description. 
> >> > > --- 
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> > -- 
> > SQLAlchemy - 
> > The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper 
> > 
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