
I want to implement NestedType
for the dialect <> of
ClickHouse database.

At the first sight it looks like copmosite type, but not not completely:
1. Each subtype considers like separate column
2. `NestedType` is just syntax sugar:
CREATE TABLE test_table1 (
    date Date,
    object Nested (
        type String,
        content String



CREATE TABLE test_table2 (
    date Date,
    object.type String,
    object.content String
Both of DDL's create tables with the same structure.
3. Queries can be done only using full format, like that:
SELECT count(*), objects.type FROM test_table group by objects.type
SELECT count(*), test_table.objects.type FROM test_table group by test_table

My question is how can I implement that behaviour? I've tried to adjust
sqlachemy_utils.CompositeType, but it looks like there are a lot of

Looks like I need to use separated DeclarativeMeta class and register each
member of nested field (with
Another problem: append parent column name to nested column name, because I
want to make that:

class Test(Base):
    __tablename__ = 'test'
    object = Column(
             Column('type', String),
             Column('content', String),


Session.query(Test).filter(Test.object.type == 'type')...
# generates that query...
select ... from test where test.object.type = 'type'

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