On Mon, Mar 11, 2019 at 2:18 PM Rich Shepard <rshep...@appl-ecosys.com> wrote:
> > I'm not sure exactly what you mean here. You can write a function that
> > iterates over the rows and selects the attributes that you want.
> Simon,
> Let me try to be more clear.
> There's a database table named 'organizations', and an SA model class
> associated with it. One of the columns in the organization class, industry,
> is defined as:
> industry = Column(String, default='Other',
>                    ForeignKey('industries.ind_name', onupdate="CASCADE", 
> ondelete="RESTRICT"))
> The industry classe is defined prior to the organization class:
> class Industries(Base):
>      __tablename__ = 'industries'
>      ind_name = Column(String, primary_key=True)
> When I query the database table using psql,
>         select * from industries order by ind_name;
> psql displays this:
>      ind_name
> -----------------
>   Attorney
>   Business
>   Consultant
>   Energy
>   Farming
>   Forest products
>   Government
>   Livestock
>   Manufacturing
>   Maritime
>   Mining
>   Other
> (12 rows)
> My assumption is that SA will return the same results. I want to present
> these names in the tkinter form for the organizations class within a
> ttk.Combobox by dropping the first two, and last, rows and making a list of
> the ind_name strings. There is another column in this class (and one in
> another class) where acceptable values for those variables are also in
> lookup tables.
> What is the most efficient way to do this? I thought that a function which
> ignores the first two rows then addes all but the last to a list would do
> the job so confirmation is helpful.
> If I'm still not explaining well enough I'll try again. :-)
> Regards,
> Rich

Using your Industries class, a function to return that list of names
could look like this:

def get_industry_names(session):
    q = session.query(Industries)
    return [i.ind_name for i in q.all()]

Does that do what you want?


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