
I'm trying to convert this working SQL query: (SQLAlchemy models are below)

FROM person
JOIN subscription ON
person.id = subscription.person_id
JOIN plan ON 
subscription.sku_uuid = plan.uuid
JOIN plan_requirements ON
plan.id = plan_requirements.plan_id
WHERE plan_requirements.subscription = 1

Into a SQLAlchemy query. so far from reading the docs 
<https://docs.sqlalchemy.org/en/13/orm/tutorial.html>,  I have the 


With the objective: Show me all people who have at least one plan with the 
plan_requirements.subscription set to 1 (meaning true).

Do I need to somehow keep chaining my joins?

My SQLAlchemy Models are: (full code is also linked at end)

class Person(database.Model):
    __tablename__ = "person"
    id = database.Column(database.Integer(), primary_key=True)
    uuid = database.Column(database.String(), default=uuid_string)
    given_name = database.Column(database.String())
    family_name = database.Column(database.String())
    subscriptions = relationship("Subscription", back_populates="person")

class Plan(database.Model):
    __tablename__ = "plan"
    id = database.Column(database.Integer(), primary_key=True)
    uuid = database.Column(database.String(), default=uuid_string)
    requirements = relationship(
        "PlanRequirements", uselist=False, back_populates="plan"

class PlanRequirements(database.Model):
    __tablename__ = "plan_requirements"
    id = database.Column(database.Integer(), primary_key=True)
    plan_id = database.Column(database.Integer(), ForeignKey("plan.id"))
    plan = relationship("Plan", back_populates="requirements")
    instant_payment = database.Column(database.Boolean(), default=False)
    subscription = database.Column(database.Boolean(), default=False)

Full source code of models: 

Much appreciated if someone can point me in the right directly. I'm 
confident with the SQL quiery, just not how to convert that to the ORM.

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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