I'm trying to update this Query class mixin - 
to sqlalchemy 1.4.

Aside of joinedload_all removed the Query class changes a lot which breaks 

*column = _entity_descriptor(q._joinpoint_zero(), token)*

as "*_joinpoint_zero*" is no longer present in that class. I've tried like 
looping over _raw_columns (simplified below):

*column = _entity_descriptor(get_mapper(self._raw_columns[0]), token)*

Which works for some cases - like it finds backward relationship but then 
fails to map a field from child as _raw_columns contain only the parent.

How this could be migrated to 1.4? It's a dependency for flask_jsonapi that 
either way would be hard to remove and replace with some custom parser for 
filters, ordering and pagination.

SQLAlchemy - 
The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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