
I got exception when I try to insert numpy.int8 type data. 
sqlalchemy.exc.ProgrammingError: (psycopg.ProgrammingError) cannot adapt 
type 'int8' using placeholder '%s' (format: AUTO)

I'm trying to adapt it with code below, but it looks like a bit 

Maybe you can suggest another solution? And what is a proper place to call 
connection.adapters.register_dumper, is it ok to call it in that listener?


@listens_for(Pool, "connect")
def pool_on_connect(connection, _):
    connection.adapters.register_dumper(np.integer, NumPyIntDumper)

*models/adapters.py *

from typing import Any

import numpy as np
from psycopg import errors as e, postgres
from psycopg._wrappers import Int2, Int4, Int8, IntNumeric
from psycopg.adapt import Dumper, PyFormat

class _NumPyIntDumper(Dumper):
    def dump(self, obj: Any) -> bytes:
        t = type(obj)

        if not issubclass(t, np.integer):
            raise e.DataError(f"integer expected, got 

        return str(obj).encode()

    def quote(self, obj: Any) -> bytes:
        value = self.dump(obj)
        return value if obj >= 0 else b" " + value

class Int2Dumper(_NumPyIntDumper):
    oid = postgres.types["int2"].oid

class Int4Dumper(_NumPyIntDumper):
    oid = postgres.types["int4"].oid

class Int8Dumper(_NumPyIntDumper):
    oid = postgres.types["int8"].oid

class IntNumericDumper(_NumPyIntDumper):
    oid = postgres.types["numeric"].oid

class NumPyIntDumper(Dumper):
    def dump(self, obj: Any) -> bytes:
        raise TypeError(
            f"{type(self).__name__} is a dispatcher to other dumpers:"
            " dump() is not supposed to be called"

    def get_key(self, obj: int, format: PyFormat) -> type:
        return self.upgrade(obj, format).cls

    _int2_dumper = Int2Dumper(Int2)  # smallint
    _int4_dumper = Int4Dumper(Int4)  # integer
    _int8_dumper = Int8Dumper(Int8)  # bigint
    _int_numeric_dumper = IntNumericDumper(IntNumeric)  # numeric

    def upgrade(self, obj: int, format: PyFormat) -> Dumper:
        if isinstance(obj, (np.int8, np.int16, np.uint8)):
            return self._int2_dumper
        elif isinstance(obj, (np.int32, np.uint16)):
            return self._int4_dumper
        elif isinstance(obj, (np.int64, np.uint32)):
            return self._int8_dumper
        elif isinstance(obj, np.uint64):
            return self._int_numeric_dumper

        raise e.DataError(f"{type(obj).__name__!r} not supported by 

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The Python SQL Toolkit and Object Relational Mapper


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