I understand the difference between the two and use them both often, for their intended purposes. Yes, it was Console that I had open each time I was launching SQLite Browser and attempting to monitor for errors... and each time Console showed nothing. I have tried this on multiple computers running 10.3.

In Console, you may need to change which log you are looking at.

Ah... very effective post. Any idea which log I should view?

You may want the system log. Open Console.app, click on the "Logs" icon in the toolbar. From the list, choose system.log. Or you may want the crash log. Expand "~/Library/Logs". Then expand "Crash Reporter". You should find "SQLite Database Browser.crash.log" there.

FYI, I've been using the SQLite Database Browser successfully on 10.2.8 through 10.3.2. Can't remember for certain, but I believe I downloaded the binary, did not compile myself. No version number, but creation date is October 2, 2003.


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