On Wednesday 18 February 2004 12:19 pm, Fred Williams wrote:
> Just did some testing on the "other" databases I have available.  This
> "feature" of SQLite does seem to be unique.  I am early in the learning
> curve on SQLite, and had not found this particular "enhancement" as yet.
> Nice to know, and avoid!
> Looks like to me it is time for a new PRAGMA!
> I am not well versed on the SQL '9x specifications, so don't know if SQLite
> is breaking spec's or just breaking "convention."  Either way I think it
> deserves consideration, as it directly impacts cross platform (i.e.
> database engines) environments.  Something I am painfully familiar with. 
> Just never got burned by this particular situation in the past, so was
> blissfully unaware of the pending potential "all nighters," BUMMER!
> Fred

In my journey with databases, (mysql, postgresql, sql 2000, ibm db2, and 
sqlite), sqlite is the only one that behaves like this.
IMHO, its not a "feature" but more of a "catch all" regardless of whether the 
results contain same column names.
Like using an axe to split match sticks!!
Lets hope it gets reverted to how it was, or some kind of switch is 

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