In 03/17/2004 07:35 AM, Nuno Lucas wrote:
For the original poster:
If you want a hint on how to do your wraping,
> see the help on mbstowcs/wcstombs functions of the C runtime, > or MultiByteToWideChar/WideCharToMultiByte in the Win32 API.
That's right. Nuno gives you a great hint. I'm using his sqlite WinCE port (that maintained on and I wrote a small wprapper classes which do a ASCII <-> UNICODE conversion using MultiByteToWideChar/WideCharToMultiByte API calls. My wrapper uses string from STLPort by Giuseppe Govi (look at ) internally and every string going out my wrapper is converted into TCHAR, LPTSTR or - what is even better - to WTL::CString class objects (which also provides some conversions if needed).
Kind regards
-- Mateusz Łoskot, mateusz at loskot dot net GNU/Linux (Slackware 9.1) #220771
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