=== On 2004-03-20, sword wrote ===
>So, what you want to do basically falls in maintaining ports, but
>internally in SQLite codebase, isn't it?

If I understood you correctly, yes.
I just replyed to correct a litle misconception about the Windows CE port. I agree 
with you on patching sqlite to work under the Unicode environment (a very quick fix).
About adding a Unicode API to sqlite, I don't, for now (until sqlite works with it 
The reason is that as sqlite would convert to UTF8 anyway, it would not add nothing 
except maybe confusing the developer of why his database access was slower than his 
coleage (using the Ansi version).
If you want this Wide API, is easy enough to make it yourself (as you probably have 
done, already). What could be missing in here is a contrib page where this kind of 
stuff could be exposed for all (it could be a wiki page, also). In this case, a .h/.c 
pair of files would do the trick, maybe titled wsqlite.h/.c. Another pair tsqlite.h/.c 
would expose the Win32 generic types interface.

~Nuno Lucas

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